What To Do If You Find A Yellow Jacket Nest

Often confused with paper wasps or honey bees, yellow jackets are a type of wasp known to inhabit different parts of the world including the United States. These wasps are famous for their unique, predatory instincts, aggressive nature, and the fact that they live in such large colonies. Finding a swarm of bees or wasps

How To Get Rid Of Termites 

If you’re looking at how to get rid of termites, you’re probably already a bit over your head in damage. These pesky pests may play an important role in our ecosystem, but they can also wreak havoc on our homes, porches, and sometimes gardens. We’ve all seen homes on movies and TV shows sporting the

How To Get Rid Of Roaches 

If you’re wondering how to get rid of roaches, chances are you’ve already seen a roach or at least a sign of a roach in your home. This is no pleasant experience, but rest assured you are not alone. Today, we are going to talk about how to get rid of roaches and keep them

Best Humane Mouse Trap

Do you have a mouse in your house? You’re not alone. Mice are some of the most common pests to infiltrate homes in the United States and are discovered in all kinds of residences all year round. However, mice are especially common during the colder months like fall and winter, when food is hard to

10 Best Flea Foggers And Flea Bombs

No one wants to discover they have fleas in their home and no one wants to have to search for the best flea foggers and flea bombs. It’s a horrible and uncomfortable feeling knowing you may be a parasite’s blood host. If you’ve noticed the telltale signs of a flea infestation in your home, (for

How To Treat A Paper Wasp Sting At Home

Some bug bites and stings hurt worse than others. For example, getting bitten by a beetle hurts. Getting stung by a honey bee hurts worse. Getting stung by a paper wasp is pure torture. Trust me, I know from experience. When I was nine-years-old I was playing in the field behind my house and out

Mosquito Control For Yard – How To Enjoy Your Yard Again

The weather is warming up and there is nothing I love more than stringing the lights up in my backyard and enjoying a nice evening dinner on the patio with family and friends. Unfortunately, the warm weather brings with it a slew of annoying and even dangerous insects like mosquitos. Mosquitos don’t just cause itchy

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs – Tips and Products That Really Work

Oh no. You have bed bugs. Let me start by saying how sorry I am and also reassuring you that you’re not alone. Bed bug infestations are becoming more and more common throughout the United States and, like the common cold, bed bugs are easy to get, tough to get rid of, and incredibly annoying.

Best Bed Bug Mattress Cover

Going through a bed bug infestation is no joke. It can also cost you a lot, not only financially, but emotionally as well, leading to sleepless, unsettled nights long after the infestation has been taken care of. Worse, when you do have a bed bug infestation, you feel vulnerable, like you can’t trust your house

How To Get Rid Of Ladybugs 

My grandfather’s backyard garden was my favorite hangout as a kid. To me, it was a magical place that attracted all kinds of wonderful creatures like butterflies, hummingbirds, bumble bees, and yes – ladybugs. As a child, I used to love catching ladybugs in little makeshift bug jars and nets. I would count their spots