Often confused for ladybugs, the Asian beetle is an invasive species that can wreak havoc on gardens, infiltrate our homes, and lead to an increase in health issues like allergies and asthma.
If you’ve identified an Asian beetle problem in your yard or inside your home, you’re not alone. These beautiful but destructive pests are a common problem in American households and gardens, prompting many people to search for ways to get rid of the Asian beetle by seeking out Asian beetle sprays, products, dusts, and even traps.
Are you looking for the best Asian beetle trap to keep your home and garden free of these annoying beetles? Then you’ve come to the right place.
Traps are one of the most effective forms of pest control when it comes to monitoring and eliminating an infestation of Asian lady beetles, and we especially like Asian beetle trap products because most of them are safe, free of toxins or chemicals, and fine to use in gardens and in homes where children and pets play.
But before we dive into our list of best Asian beetle trap products on the market, let’s first talk about what an Asian beetle is and how you can distinguish between these pests and their beneficial ladybug counterparts.
Let’s begin.
What Is The Asian Beetle?
Asian beetles look similar to ladybugs, though you can tell the difference by paying attention to the “M” shape on their heads.
Also known as the Asian lady beetle, the harlequin, or the multicolored Asian, the Asian beetle is an insect belonging to the Coccinellidae family. Scientifically known as Harmonia Axyridis, this insect can come in a wide range of colors and patterns and is often found to be slightly larger than its ladybug counterpart.
One of the reasons the Asian beetle is often confused for the lady bug is because the two insects have similar shapes, are similar sizes, and often have similar markings. However, one distinguishing factor between the Asian beetle and the lady bug is that Asian beetles are not as brightly colored. While ladybugs are generally a bright red, Asian beetles tend to be more of a burnt orange color, or a completely different color altogether.
Some other colors of Asian lady beetles include:
- Black
- Red and Black
- Black and Red
- Black and Orange
- Burnt Orange and Black
- And Red
Asian lady beetles also have a variety of different markings on them and can have no spots to many spots that may be black or red, depending on their base color.
These beetles also have a pronounced white M on the top of their heads and do not have a sectioned “neck”, as ladybugs do.
However, much like ladybugs, Asian beetles are omnivores known to feast on a number of destructive garden pests like caterpillars, aphids, spider mites, insect eggs, plant sap, plant leaves, and more.
In small numbers, Asian beetles can be beneficial to the health of gardens. However, in very large numbers they can be destructive as they are also known to eat plant leaves and even other beneficial insects like ladybugs. Furthermore, Asian beetles are also known to invade homes to overwinter, leading to large and very unnerving infestations.
When looking for the best Asian beetle trap, it helps to know when to set these traps. For this purpose, it’s important to keep in mind that Asian beetles are most active during spring and summer. They live outdoors in gardens, forests, and other areas rich in plantlife and food sources, and are able to lay between 1,600 and 3,800 eggs in their three-year lifespan.
But how do you properly identify an Asian beetle from a ladybug? Great question. Let’s find out below.
Best Asian Beetle Trap – How To Identify An Asian Beetle Problem
Asian lady beetles typically congregate in large numbers in your garden and are known to overwinter in homes.
Due to their rapid reproduction rate and the fact that they overwinter inside our homes and eat plantlife, it’s relatively easy to distinguish between Asian beetles and ladybugs in your home or yard if you know what to look for.
Unlike ladybugs, Asian beetles often congregate in very large numbers. They are also generally the beetles that will be found inside your home along floorboards, cracks or crevices, on window ledges, and other hiding spaces to overwinter. During the spring and summer, they are often responsible for the destruction of certain plants.
The destruction of Asian beetles outside can look like other types of damage caused by plant-eating pests. This could include wilted and dying plants and flowers, to deformities in plants, to holes in plant leaves.
The below video further explains a few interesting facts about multicolored Asian beetles and how to properly identify them.
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/WevrPOuoAl4″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>
Inside of your home, Asian lady beetles tend to overwinter in gaps between floor boards, inside walls, and along cracks and crevices, as we mentioned above. While they are not physically harmful to people or pets individually, in large numbers they can lead to an increase in allergy symptoms, especially amongst children.
Large amounts of asian lady beetles can also be toxic to curious pets who may sniff them or snack on them out of curiosity. Ingesting large quantities of asian lady beetles has been known to cause dogs upset stomach, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal problems. Sometimes, asian beetles can also cling to the inside of a dog’s mouths and the roof of their mouths, causing pain and discomfort.
For this reason, we recommend looking for a good Asian beetle trap that can be used both indoors and outdoors and that can be used all year round to monitor and reduce your chances of an Asian beetle infestation inside and outside of your home.
Keep reading to find out more about how Asian beetle trap products work and which traps are the most highly recommended by experts.
What Is An Asian Beetle Trap?
Asian beetle traps can come in many forms and are designed to protect both the inside and outside of your home.
Asian beetle traps can come in a number of forms from sticky glue traps, to hanging garden traps, to bottle traps, to light traps and more.
In fact, you even have the option of making your own homemade Asian beetle trap if you like! These traps are very well received amongst those looking for safe and organic pest control options as they are generally free of toxins, chemicals, and other harsh ingredients that can be harmful to people, pets and the environment.
We have listed some of the best Asian beetle trap products as recommended by experts for you to consider below. Take a look.
DynaTrap Asian Beetle Trap
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Some of the best Asian beetle trap products, according to experts, are going to be beetle traps that include a black light. Asian beetles and many other pests are attracted to black lights and will fly into them.
This trap allows you to collect the bugs you trap and release them or dispose of them as you go. It is also quiet and doesn’t make any harsh zapping sounds.
This Asian beetle trap can also help you catch insects like moths, flies, mosquitoes, and more. It can be used inside and outside and doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals or poisons that can be harmful to people, pets or the environment.
Bag-A-Bug Asian Beetle Trap
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This is a hanging Asian beetle trap that includes a pheromone lure to attract a number of pests like Asian beetles and Japanese beetles. It can be hung in your garden or around your home where these pests enter to overwinter.
The Asian beetle trap can protect your garden from up to 5,000 square feet and protects a number of vegetation including rose bushes, shrubs, ornamental flowers, edible vegetables, trees, fruits and more. It also lasts for the entire season when Asian beetles are most active.
Rescue Disposable Asian Beetle Trap
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Similar to the above Asian beetle trap, this Asian beetle trap by Rescue is designed to hang in your garden and around your home to reduce the population of Asian beetles and Japanese beetles.
It is a non-toxic trap that lures the pests inside the trap and prevents them from getting out again. Best of all, it will not lure in many other beneficial insects like honey bees. This trap is ideal for protecting outdoor garden plants like vegetation, ornamental plants and more from garden-destroying insects.
Bonide Beetle Bagger
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Another Asian beetle trap we recommend is the Bonide Beetle Bagger. This non-toxic trap is designed to be placed in your garden but may also be used around the perimeter of your home. It includes a lure holder and contains a pheromone lure that is released to continuously capture asian beetles and japanese beetles all season long.
However, this trap is very large and may not be ideal for those looking to capture asian beetles discreetly in their gardens.
Gingbau Sticky Asian Beetle Trap
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While this is not necessarily an Asian beetle trap, it can help control and reduce the population of Asian beetles in your garden as it will help eliminate their food source like aphids and mites.
This trap is double sided and can also capture thrips, midges, leafminers, gnats and white flies, which can further help protect your garden from destruction. Designed to specifically protect plants from garden-destroying pests, this sticky trap is free of any odors, is safe for people, pets and the environment, and is designed to be used outdoors in gardens.
Faicuk Wall Sconce Light Trap
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Since light traps are some of the best Asian beetle trap products on the market, we are also including this wall sconce trap by Fiacuk. This is not only an effective Asian beetle trap but also an attractive one.
It is designed to fit nicely inside your home to protect from invading Asian beetles and other pests like mosquitoes, flies, wasps, and other flying insects. Best of all, it is safe, free of toxins or chemicals, and works silently.
Other Products You Can Use In Place Of Or Alongside An Asian Beetle Trap
Asian beetle traps may not work on their own to eliminate beetles.
While an Asian beetle trap can be an effective tool when it comes to monitoring and reducing the population of a large colony of Asian beetles, the truth is that traps may not work on their own.
To eliminate an infestation of Asian beetles in your home or on your property, we recommend also using a number of other products like sprays, dusts, and sometimes even insecticides.
Of course, when searching for the right products to eliminate an Asian beetle infestation and to use alongside an Asian beetle trap, we recommend making sure the products you look for are designed to specifically target Asian beetles.
Not sure where to begin looking? Don’t worry – we have listed some of the best products you can use in place of or alongside an Asian beetle trap below.
Diatomaceous Earth Crawling Insect Killer
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If you are looking for an all natural product you can use alongside your Asian beetle trap, you will love Diatomaceous Earth. This natural insecticidal dust is ideal for getting rid of a number of pests like bed bugs, Asian beetles, roaches, spiders, earwigs and more.
It is derived from fossilized algae and is completely natural, working by penetrating the pests exoskeleton, which dehydrates and kills them. This dust is completely organic and natural and safe to use both indoors and out. You can even use it directly on gardens and on edible plants.
That said, it works best when dry and will need to be reapplied if it gets wet.
TBI Pro Ultrasonic Pest Repeller
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To help keep Asian beetles out of your home, we recommend installing an ultrasonic pest repeller. While these pest repellers work best when used alongside other means of pest control, like an Asian beetle trap, it should also help to prevent future infestations.
Ultrasonic pest repellers work by emitting sound vibrations that are harmless to people and pets but highly irritating to pests.
The above ultrasonic pest repeller not only works on Asian beetles but also spiders, roaches, bed bugs, mice, rats and other home invading pests.
Harris Asian Lady Beetle Spray
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One spray we like to use alongside Asian lady beetle trap products is this spray and repellent by Harris. Designed to specifically target Asian beetles, Japanese beetles, and the boxelder bug, the spray includes a spray wand for easy application in your yard and garden.
While this spray kills on contact it also continues killing and protecting your yard and garden for several weeks after it is applied. The formula is odorless and dries clear, however this product does contain toxic chemicals and is considered an insecticide.
With that in mind, we suggest reading the directions carefully and keeping this spray out of reach of children and pets.
Spectracide Beetle Killer
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Last on our list of products you can use alongside an Asian beetle trap to get rid of Asian lady beetles is the above spray by Spectracide. This is an insecticide spray designed to target a few different beetle pests including Asian beetles and Japanese beetles.
It is designed for outdoor use and works well in gardens and throughout lawns to protect against other pests as well including aphids, spider mites, leafminers, bagworms and whiteflies.
However, this product can be dangerous to people and pets if not used correctly so be sure to read the directions and keep it stored away safely.
How To Make Your Own Asian Beetle Trap And Other Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Asian Beetles
Mums are excellent for companion planting to get rid of Asian lady beetles.
If your Asian beetle infestation isn’t too overwhelming, you may be able to get rid of them by making your own Asian beetle trap and using other household ingredients. This is excellent news for anyone who is into do it yourself pest control methods.
How To Make Your Own Asian Lady Beetle Trap
It’s simple to make your own Asian beetle trap using an empty 2-liter soda bottle and some fruit or jam for bait.
Simply cut the bottle in half and put the fruit at the base of the bottle. Then place the bottle lid upside down back into the bottom portion of the bottle so it is inverted. This will allow for Asian beetles to climb into the Asian beetle trap you have just made but make it impossible for them to get out again.
Monitor the trap and dispose of the Asian beetles as needed. You can use this trap inside and outside of your home to catch pesky Asian beetles, flies, wasps, ants, gnats, and other annoying pests.
However, we should note that this homemade Asian beetle trap can also attract other, beneficial insects like ladybugs and bees. For this reason, keep a close eye on the trap to ensure you are capturing the pests you want to capture and not harming the good guys.
Essential Oils To Get Rid Of Asian Lady Beetles
We love using essential oils for do it yourself pest control methods because they are not only effective but they are safe and they smell great. Some of the best essential oils you can use to get rid of Asian beetles include:
- Peppermint Oil
- Neem Oil
- Cedar Oil
- Citronella Oil
- Clove Oil
- Lemongrass Oil
You can make your own essential oil spray to repel Asian beetles and a number of other pests by simply adding five to ten drops of the above essential oil of your choice to two cups of water in a spray bottle.
While this spray can be an effective tool in repelling Asian beetles and a number of other pests including spiders, roaches, mice, earwigs, rats, ants, and even bed bugs, it will need to be reapplied often and should not be sprayed directly on plants without proper research, as some essential oils listed can be harmful to vegetation.
Plants That Repel Asian Lady Beetles
Along with using essential oils and making your own Asian beetle trap, you can also use companion planting to your advantage. Planting pest-repellent plants alongside your other garden plants is a safe and effective way to not only repel Asian beetles, but also many other garden-destroying pests.
Some of the best plants known to repel Asian beetles include:
- Chrysanthemums
- Catnip
- Marigolds
- Tansy
- Chinves
- Larkspur
- And Leeks
Best Homemade Sprays To Repel Asian Lady Beetles
Would you like to know how to make your own homemade Asian beetle spray to repel these annoying pests? Take a look at some of these tried and tested recipes we love.
- Citrus And Soap Asian Beetle Repellent Spray
- 1/4th of a cup of lemon juice
- 3 cups of water
- 2 tbsp dish soap
- 1 spray bottle
- Oil and Soap Spray Asian Beetle Repellent Spray
- 2 tbsp of soap
- 1 cup of veggie oil
- 1 spray bottle
- Neem Oil Spray Asian Beetle Repellent Spray
- 2 tsp of neem oil
- 1 tsp of liquid soap
- 1 quart of water
- 1 spray bottle
- Camphor and Menthol Asian Beetle Repellent Spray
- 1 cup of Camphor
- ½ cup of Water
- 1 cup of Menthol
- 1 spray bottle
When An Asian Beetle Trap Doesn’t Work – When To Call A Professional
You may need professional help to get rid of very large infestations of Asian beetles.
Very large infestations of Asian beetles can be overwhelming, and sometimes an Asian beetle trap along with home remedies and even purchased products and insecticides don’t work on their own.
If you find that you cannot get rid of the Asian beetles causing your problems in your garden or home, you may need to contact a professional. Luckily, there are a number of pest control experts who can help you get rid of Asian beetles quickly and effectively. Most charge around $100 to $500 depending on your location and the severity of your Asian beetle infestation.
Once you have managed to get rid of the Asian lady beetle problems in your garden or home, we recommend that you next follow through with some preventative measures, which we have listed below.
How To Prevent A Future Problem With Asian Beetles in Your Yard
You can prevent Asian beetles from becoming a problem in the future by following routine pest control remedies listed below.
It’s usually easier to prevent pests than it is to get rid of them, and this is no exception when it comes to managing an Asian beetle infestation.
While you may always want to use an Asian beetle trap or two around your yard or home for monitoring and control, we suggest also practicing the below preventative steps to keep these pests from returning.
Practice Routine Home Maintenance
Remember, Asian beetles are not only problematic in the garden, but they also enter homes in large numbers to overwinter. You can prevent these pests from getting inside by making sure you caulk and seal cracks and crevices along your foundation.
We also recommend making sure there aren’t any gaps around doors and windows and that window screens are fitted correctly and don’t have any tears.
Strategically Set Up Asian Beetle Traps In Your Garden And Around Your Home
Even after you get rid of Asian beetles in your garden and home, we still recommend holding onto an Asian beetle trap or two. Keeping these traps set up around your home and garden can help you monitor the early stages of any new infestations and help you to keep on an eye on the types of pests coming around.
Use A Year Round Pest Control Along The Perimeter Of Your Home
Along with using an Asian beetle trap, we also recommend using pest control products like long lasting perimeter sprays.
There are plenty of insecticides for Asian beetle control and even all natural pest control products you can use year-round that are safe for people, pets and the environment. We recommend using a year-round pest control product both in your garden and around the perimeter of your home to keep your yard and house free of Asian beetles.
Remove Their Food Source In Your Garden
Last but not least, you can help keep Asian beetles from returning to your garden by ensuring you remove their food source. Try to keep plants they are attracted to Asian beetles to a minimum or implement companion planting in your garden.
You can also use pest control sprays and repellents to get rid of other food sources Asian beetles are attracted to including aphids and mites.
So, what do you think? Would you like to purchase an Asian beetle trap to keep in your garden and home or would you prefer to make your own? We would love to hear from you. Leave us your opinion about Asian beetles and the Asian beetle trap products listed above in the comment section below.
Jack founded our blog after two decades of working in the pest control industry. His vast experience dealing with a wide array of pests allows him to diagnose issues quickly and get to the heart of pest problems quickly and effectively. He has serviced more than 2,000 homes over his career and there is hardly any pest situation that he has not seen before.