Best Pigeon Repellent

Pigeons are everywhere, and most people in the modern United States consider these birds to be highly annoying, dirty, and disease-ridden pests.

The truth is, there is very little most of us understand about pigeons, leading to the poor bird’s bad rep. That said, while pigeons are very interesting and even considered one of the most intelligent bird species in the world, they can still be very destructive to residential homes and commercial buildings.

Are you dealing with a plethora of pigeons pooping and nesting in the eaves and sidings of your home? Then we’re here to help. Today, we are going to learn more about pigeons, why they might be attracted to your property specifically, and go over some of the best pigeon repellent products on the market today.

Let’s get started.

What Are Pigeons?

Pic 1 a blue pigeon
Pigeons and doves are one and the same. 

Common in the United States and throughout the world, pigeons are medium-sized birds in the Columbidae family. This family also includes doves, though many experts agree that pigeons and doves are one and the same. In fact, there is no real scientific difference between the two birds save for different colors and patterns.

But don’t feel bad if finding out that pigeons are actually doves does not change your opinion on them. Many of us have a fear or at least a general dislike for pigeons. In fact, some people even call pigeons flying rats.

Why? Well, one reason is perhaps because there are so darn many of them. Another reason could be because pigeons tend to congregate in the same areas we people do, feeding off our leftover foods and discarded garbage, just like rats.

And while it is true that pigeons prefer urban settings to forests and a single pigeon can produce up to one gallon of poop a week, pigeons are actually not as unsanitary as many people think, with most experts agreeing that pigeons are actually quite clean birds.

More amazingly, pigeons are also incredibly intelligent and were once widely domesticated, which is one of the main reasons they are now so abundant in the modern United States. In fact, did you know that pigeons were actually brought here through human travel thousands of years ago?

That’s right, once upon a time pigeons were actually bred and raised in captivity, serving as food, companionship, and even an ancient form of communication.

Pigeons are incredibly well known for their amazing sense of direction, and it wasn’t long before ancient folks found they could use pigeons to carry messages back and forth across great distances. In some cultures and religions, pigeons are even revered as highly spiritual. They are fed and protected and seen as signs of good omens.

However, over the last 100 years or so in America, many of us have begun to find pigeons to be incredibly annoying, destructive, and a sign of filth.

The reason for this is most likely due to their large numbers. Pigeons are highly social animals and tend to flock with other pigeons in numbers of 20 to 30. When they do find a good home, they stick around, which can wreak serious havoc on structures, prompting many people to research the best pigeon repellent products available in the hopes of getting rid of them.

So, even if you do like pigeons, you probably don’t want 30 of these birds nesting on your roof. With that being said, it’s time to find out why your home might be so attractive to these intelligent but inconvenient pests.

Why Do You Have So Many Pigeons In The First Place?

Pic 2 pigeons flying in a flock
Pigeons are highly social and flock together in large numbers of up to 30 pigeons at a time. 

Though pigeons may not be the monsters many people make them out to be, they can still be quite destructive, especially in large numbers. As we mentioned above, pigeons are social and tend to stick together in groups of up to 30 pigeons at a time.

Pigeons also mate for life, with both the male and the female raising their young together in an equal partnership. While this is endearing, it can make dealing with pigeons who are nesting in and around your home problematic, which means it may be time to look for some good pigeon repellent.

But why do you have pigeons in the first place?

Unlike many other types of birds, pigeons have an affinity for flat, smooth surfaces to nest and live. This means they seek out the eaves of your house, gaps, cracks, and crevices along your roof or chimney, or porch decks to build their nests.

Pigeons also seek out good food and water sources. Anyone living in an area near a pond, lake, steam, or fountain may find that they are dealing with more pigeons than their nearby neighbors.

Something else that pigeons love? Human food. Pigeons are not hunters like owls, hawks and eagles. They are opportunistic feeders who prefer to pick off any leftover foods discarded by humans.

This is one of the reasons you may find pigeons hanging around dumpsters, patio restaurants, picnic areas in parks, and so on.

Other attractants for pigeons include:

  • Nesting spots with three walls and a roof
  • A sheltered space to sleep overnight
  • Open garbage bins
  • Dumpsters
  • Left out human foods
  • Water sources and excess moisture
  • Cracks, crevices, and gaps along your home’s siding
  • Flat window ledges
  • And Flat rooftops

One of the best pigeon deterrent methods you can utilize is to make your home and surrounding property as uninhabitable to pigeons as possible.

The below video describes a few do it yourself methods you can use for pigeon repellent around your home. 

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But along with some of the above DIY methods for pigeon repellent, we are also going to talk about some of the best products you can purchase for pigeon repellent, according to experts.

Keep reading.

What Is The Best Pigeon Repellent?

Pic 3 pigeons on a roof
There are several different types of pigeon repellent products you can use to keep pigeons at bay. 

Pigeon repellent products come in a number of different forms from metal spikes to scent sprays, to sound repellents and more. Not all pigeon deterrent products are going to be right for every home, and it’s important to remember that some repellent products may also repel other birds.

With that in mind, the good news is that you do have plenty of options when it comes to finding the best pigeon repellent for you. If you’re not sure where to begin looking, don’t worry. We have listed some of our favorite pigeon repellent products as recommended by experts below just for you.

Take a look.

Bird-X Bird Spikes

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Perhaps some of the best repellent is going to be bird spikes that you can place along the flat sides around your property. Though they look frightful, bird spikes are actually not harmful to birds and instead deter them from landing and thus building nests.

The above bird spikes are made with stainless steel. They are also weatherproof, durable, and can last for several years. You can place these pigeon repellent spikes on most any surface including garage doors, roofs, pergolas, window ledges, porches, decks, and other flat surface areas where pigeons may try to land.

These spikes can also help protect your home from other pests like owls, bats, and other nuisance birds.

Ultrasonic Bird Repellent

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Many of us have heard of ultrasonic pest repellers before, but most of these repellers are designed to repel pests like spiders, insects, rodents and bats. However, there are also ultrasonic bird repellents, which work just as effectively to protect your property from pests like pigeons, sparrows, gulls, and other nuisance birds.

The product above is water resistant and works using a battery or a plug in, depending on your needs. It can be placed both indoors and out and does not need to be installed as it comes free-standing.

It works using ultrasonic sounds that are irritating to birds but harmless to people and pets. The ultrasonic bird repeller also includes a strobe light that works with motion detection for more bird-deterring power.

Bird-X Bird Repellent Gel

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While spikes and ultrasonic pigeon repellent products are effective, you may not want to add them to the siding of your home and compromise your curb appeal.

If this is the case, you can always try invisible bird gel. This gel is made using a non-toxic formula that will not harm birds or other animals but will still repel them and keep them from landing on or nesting on your property.

Bird B Gone Reflector Pigeon Deterrent

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Many birds are scared away by reflective surfaces, and pigeons are no exception. While you can make and install your own reflective devices as pigeon repellent, (which we’ll discuss further down), it is sometimes easier to purchase pre-made products like the one above by Bird B Gone.

This reflective device is specifically designed to repel nuisance birds like pigeons and prevent them from landing on or nesting near your property. It is harmless to birds and other animals, and works to repel pigeons silently.

Bird Blinder Pigeon Deterrent Scare Rods

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Another reflective product you can use to scare pigeons and other nuisance birds off are these scare rods by Bird Blinder. What we like best about them, aside from their reflective appearance and therefore effectiveness in fighting off pigeons, is that they are also lovely.

Unlike some other pigeon repellent products, these rods look almost decorative. They are also easy to install and can be hung around your property, on your porch, near your garage, above garbage bins, and anywhere else you have noticed pigeon or nuisance bird activity.

Bird X Bird Pro Electronic Repeller

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If you live in an area with lots of bird and pigeon activity, you may be looking for something a bit more heavy duty to scare off those annoying pigeons. Another product we love by Bird X is the above electronic bird repellent.

Designed to safely and harmlessly repel a number of nuisance birds like pigeons, sparrows, starlings, gulls and more, the sound repeller works by simulating predator sounds that frighten birds and keep them away.

Defender Bird Spikes Kit

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Another more straightforward bird repellent product we like are more bird spikes. The above order of bird spikes includes a kit that contains fixing silicone for easy installation around your home as well as a guide to bird control.

The spikes are designed to repel pigeons and seagulls specifically, but can help keep other nuisance birds at bay as well. Depending on your needs, you can order these spikes in four different size options. The spikes are simple to install and should last for up to 15 years if correctly applied.

Bird Blinder Owl Decoy

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Last on our list of best pigeon repellent products is this predator decoy by Bird Blinder. Predator decoys are commonly used because they are effective, simple to install, and can last for years.

The above product is designed to look like an owl and will repel a number of nuisance pests like pigeons, rodents, woodpeckers, rabbits, moles, raccoons, and many more. You can hang the decoy owl or install it to rooftops, porches or garages. You can even move it around if you find you need to.

Other Products You Can Use Along With Pigeon Repellent

Pic 4 a closeup of a pigeon looking at the camera
Spider bombs can be toxic to people and pets if not used correctly, so many people opt to use other forms of spider control. 

Because pigeons are so social, you’ll likely be dealing with them in very large numbers. In some cases, you may need to use other types of products along with bird repellent to get these birds to move on and find a new nesting ground.

If this is the case, you may want to check out a few of these other interesting and innovative products we came across which we have listed below.

Bird-X Liquid Bird Deterrent

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When we think of bird deterrent or pigeon repellent, we often don’t think of a liquid deterrent. This product by Bird-X is harmless and humane and is designed to be easily applied around your property without adding anything unsightly to your home.

While birds cannot see the repellent, they can sense and smell it and are highly deterred by it. The product does not harm them but does keep them at bay. Best of all, the liquid bird repellent also works on a number of other nuisance birds from sparrows to seagulls and many more.

Scare Tape Pigeon Deterrent

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Scare Tape is designed for those who want to quickly apply pigeon repellent around their property. This tape is easy to install as it simply ties to most surfaces. It’s reflective siding is designed to specifically frighten nuisance birds like pigeons, seagulls, sparrows and more.

Though it is called tape, we should note it does not stick to surfaces and is designed to tie.  Once tied, it blows in the wind and makes sounds while reflecting off the sunlight to frighten birds. The tape is non-toxic, humane, and simple to use, though it may need to be reapplied as it has the potential to become damaged by weather over time.

How To Make Your Home Pigeon Repellent

Pic 5 a pigeon flying
Pigeons are intelligent, but easily frightened. 

Are you looking for more DIY pigeon repellent remedies to repel pigeons on your own without having to go to the store or pull out your wallet? Then you’re in luck. We have some tricks and tips up our sleeve for do it yourself pest control methods you can use in place of purchasing pigeon repellent products.

How To Make Your Own Pigeon Repellent Spray 

It’s super simple and inexpensive to make your own bird repellent using three household ingredients you likely already have in your pantry.


  • 1 Cup of White Vinegar
  • 1 Cup of Water
  • 2 Tbsp of Cayenne Pepper OR
  • 2 Tbsp of Crushed Red Chilli Pepper


Mix the above ingredients in a pot and boil the mixture for about three hours with a lid. Then let the solution cool. Once it is cooled, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray it around your home, in your garden, and along sidings, eaves, decks, and other flat surfaces to repel pigeons.

The red chilli or cayenne will irritate pigeons and reduce the chances of them seeing your home as a good nesting spot while the vinegar can help repel them before they do decide to land.

Best of all, this bird repellent is safe for everyone and, while it will irritate the pigeons, it won’t harm them in the long run. It’s a win win!

That said, be mindful of where you use this spray, especially around areas where curious children and pets play. While the spray is safe, cayenne pepper or red chili pepper may irritate the eyes and nose on contact.

How To Make Repellent Using Balloons or Beach Balls

Pigeons may be intelligent but, like all birds, they don’t like large objects that move suddenly and could potentially be seen as a predator.

To deter pigeons from making your home their new nesting ground, try attaching balloons or beach balls in areas where pigeons may be attracted to. Many people even draw eyes on their beach balls or balloons to further make these objects look more like predators.

How To Make Pigeon Repellent Using Reflectives 

Like many birds, pigeons are deterred by reflective mirrors. You can make your own reflective pigeon repellent by hanging strips of aluminum foil around the perimeter of your home in areas where pigeons may be attracted to.

You can also hang old CD’s around the outside of your home with the shiny side up, or even place small pocket mirrors around flat sidings where pigeons like to land and nest.

Make An Alcohol Pigeon Repellent Spray For Your Garbage Bins

Another repellent we like is for outdoor garbage bins. You can add equal parts rubbing alcohol to equal parts water in a spray bottle and spray it in and around your garbage bins routinely while waiting for trash day. This will help mask the smell of enticing foods that could lure in a number of pests from pigeons to raccoons, ants, possums and more.

When To Call A Professional for Pigeon Control

Pic 6 several pigeons on a blue rooftop
Pigeons reproduce quickly and live in large groups, so it’s not uncommon to deal with overwhelming numbers of them on your property. 

Depending on where you live, pigeons can be a year-round problem. In warm regions, they can roost inevitably if food sources, water and shelter are ideal. This can be especially problematic if you have a pigeon infestation, as these birds have been known to infiltrate cracks and crevices in chimenes, roofs, attics, and lofts.

While pigeons do carry over 60 different pathogens responsible for spreading disease and illness, it is incredibly rare that these diseases will be fatal or even passed on to humans. Still,  large accumulations of droppings of any kind are going to be unsanitary and likely to carry a number of health risks. Furthermore, pigeons can be destructive in areas where they have built nests and are nesting in large numbers.

If you find you are dealing with a large pigeon problem that you cannot get rid of using traditional pigeon repellent products and methods above, we suggest contacting a professional.

Most professional pest control experts charge between $100 to $500 for pigeon repellent and pigeon removal services and should be able to help you locate the problem at the source.

Once you have managed to get rid of the pigeons bugging you, we suggest going about applying a good pigeon repellent to prevent them from returning and taking other preventive steps, which we have listed further down.

Other Tips On Preventing Pigeons

Pic 7 a pigeon walking away on a roof
Clean and declutter often to help keep spiders and other pests at bay.

As we always say, prevention is easier than eradication when it comes to pest control. Along with using good pigeon repellent and other techniques and products to keep pigeons at bay, we also recommend following a few of the simple yet effective pigeon preventative steps we have listed here.

Spray Your Outdoor Garbage Bins With Alcohol Spray

As we mentioned briefly above, spraying your garbage bins with an alcohol spray regularly while waiting for trash day can help not only repel and prevent pigeons, but also other pests. This is also a great way to mask the stench of garbage.

Invest In Sealed Garbage Bin Lids

Along with using the rubbing alcohol method as a preventative and pigeon repellent, we also suggest investing in sealed garbage bin lids for outdoor garbage cans in order to prevent pests like pigeons from accessing this free food source.

Remove Ideal Nesting Locations 

Remember, pigeons like nesting spots with specific designs. These designs include at least three walls and a roof. Many eaves, pergolas, garage doors, chimneys, window ledges, covered porches, and some cracks and crevices in roofs can provide ideal nesting spots for pigeons.

You can help reduce your chances of winding up with pigeons nesting on your property by covering these areas or adding pigeon repellent to these areas specifically to keep pigeons at bay.

Keep Your Yard and Property Tidy 

Pigeons are highly attracted to debris left behind by humans that could serve as potential food sources. This could be anything from sandwich bread, to decaying fruit on fruit trees, to vegetables and edible garden plants.

To keep pigeons and other pests at bay, we suggest keeping your yard tidy. Refrain from tossing leftover foods outdoors, pick up after outdoor picnics or snacks, and don’t allow fruit or garden vegetables to become overripe.

Invest In Predator Decoys 

Some of the best pigeon repellent, as we stated above, are going to be predator decoys. Large birds of prey like owl decoys are excellent objects you can invest in and use year-round to repel pigeons and many other types of nuisance birds.

Predator decoys can also help manage other pest problems like moles, mice, rats, squirrels and more.

Keep Bird Spikes or Gel Up Along Flat Roofs and Sidings Year-Round

Last but not least, keep your bird spikes or gel up, even if you don’t see any pigeons flying around. Chances are, your pigeon repellent has worked and has kept them moving, but if you have an ideal, flat surface where pigeons generally like to hang out, as soon as you remove those spikes or deterrent gel, they could come back.

So, what do you think about pigeons and pigeon repellent? Did you already know that pigeons were so intelligent, or have you learned something new about them today that has changed your opinion?

We would love to hear from you. Share your thoughts about pigeons and our pigeon repellent products listed in this article in the comment section below.

Pigeon Repellent