What Scent Do Mosquitoes Hate?

Mosquitoes are one of the most annoying insects that you can find in and around your home. They are small, but they can still have a huge impact on your life and lifestyle by making it difficult for you to relax or spend time outdoors.

Worse still, mosquitoes can be quite dangerous.

If you want to know how to keep mosquitoes away from your property, then keep reading because we are going to show you some tips and tricks that will help you get rid of them once and for all using simple methods including the knowledge of what scent do mosquitoes hate. Let’s get started!

Mosquitoes – The Good, The Bad, And The Dangerous

1 a mosquito on blue fabric
Mosquitoes are dangerous because they can spread serious diseases.

Mosquitoes are a group of insects that have reached near-ubiquity. They are found in nearly every country and climate, and they’ve been around for more than 300 million years.

Mosquitoes are well known for their irritating bites and ability to transmit diseases such as yellow fever, West Nile virus, malaria and dengue fever, leaving them to be considered one of the top most dangerous pests in the world.

These small flying insects are a member of the order Diptera: the second largest order of insects, with more than 150,000 species. The word “diptera” means “two wings,” which distinguishes them from flies (order Diptera) and butterflies (order Lepidoptera).

The name “mosquito” comes from an Indian word meaning “little fly.” A mosquito’s body is divided into three parts: head, thorax and abdomen. The head contains two large compound eyes (which can distinguish between light levels), antennae (sensing touch) and mouthparts used for biting animals and humans.

Mosquito bites are extremely irritating, itchy and painful. The itching associated with mosquito bites can last for days or even weeks after a bite has occurred. The reaction to a mosquito bite is due to an allergic reaction of the immune system to proteins found in the mosquito’s saliva.

Only female mosquitoes bite because they need the iron in their blood in order to produce and lay eggs.

As we mentioned above, mosquitoes can be very dangerous because they transmit diseases like malaria, dengue fever and yellow fever which can be deadly. Some people don’t even know they have been bitten by an infected mosquito until they develop symptoms, which may include fever, headache, vomiting or rash.

In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are more than 100 species of mosquitoes that can carry diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and yellow fever. Unfortunately these diseases are still very common in many countries around the world today.

Why Do You Have Mosquitoes Around Your Property?

2 a mosquito on a leaf
Mosquitoes are attracted to a number of things, including stagnant water sources and the C02 we breath.

Mosquitoes can live in almost any climate, but they thrive best in warmer regions of the United States. This is why if you do live in a warmer region of the United States, you’re likely to encounter mosquitoes. These insects can be problematic for many people throughout the summer as well as into the spring and fall.

They can be found buzzing around your yard, flying into your house through open doors and windows, and making an incessant humming noise that can drive you crazy!

But what causes mosquitoes to appear on your property? And how can you get rid of them for good?

Mosquitoes are attracted to things like moisture, heat and carbon dioxide. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, so if you have standing water in your yard, you’re going to have mosquitoes.

In fact, mosquitoes are most attracted to the following:

Carbon dioxide – Humans give off carbon dioxide when they exhale. The more people around and the more active they are, the more CO2 they emit. Mosquitoes are attracted to this gas because it helps them find food (you).

Standing water sources – Mosquitoes need water to breed, so any standing water in your yard is bad news if you’re trying to get rid of mosquitoes. Standing water sources that attract mosquitoes could include anything from backyard ponds, water fountains, bird baths, and even puddles left over from rain or other natural sources of water.

Dark colors – dark colors tend to attract mosquitoes more than light colors because they provide contrast against which mosquitoes can see you better (and also because dark colors absorb heat), which mosquitoes are also attracted to.

If you’re trying to get rid of mosquitoes using what scents do mosquitoes hate, you’ll first want to understand what around your property is attracting them.

Now that you have a better idea, it’s time to move on to what scents do mosquitoes hate.

What Scents Do Mosquitoes Hate?

3 a mosquito upside down
Like many insects, mosquiotes can be repelled using certain scents.

We already know that mosquitoes are pesky little insects that can ruin your enjoyment of the outdoors. But thanks to their sensitive sense of smell, you might be able to keep these bloodsuckers at bay.

Mosquitoes have a keen sense of smell, but they don’t like certain scents. Some research suggests that certain plants may help repel mosquitoes and other bugs, while others claim that certain smells encourage them to attack.

If you want to know what scents do mosquitoes hate? You’re in luck. We’ve got the answers for you here!

But first, can mosquitoes really be repelled using what smells do mosquitoes hate?

The answer is yes! As it turns out, there are some scents that will literally drive mosquitoes away from you (and your blood). But what scent do mosquitoes hate the most?

When it comes to what scent do mosquitoes hate, they hate the following:

  • Cedarwood
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Peppermint
  • Basil
  • And Lemongrass

Let’s learn more!


4 an oil diffuser
The best way to use cedarwood to repel mosquitoes is to use it in an oil diffuser.

Cedarwood is first on our list of what scent do mosquitoes hate because it has a woody, earthy, and slightly sweet aroma. Cedarwood has a long history of being used in traditional medicine, especially for respiratory issues like asthma and bronchitis. It has also been used since ancient times to help with emotional health as well.

Cedarwood oil comes from the cedar tree and has been used to repel insects for centuries. Many people use it inside or outside their home to keep mosquitoes away.

Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide (CO2) which we exhale when we breathe. They also like the scent of lactic acid, which is why they hover over puddles of water.

Cedarwood oil contains phenols that mimic lactic acids, which helps mask the smell of CO2 while also making you smell repulsive to the pests. There are a few ways you can use cedarwood when it comes to what scent do mosquitoes hate.

You can use cedarwood essential oil in your favorite diffuser or vaporizer at home or at work to repel mosquitoes. You can also add the oil directly into any homemade spray for added protection against insects.

But cedarwood is not just one of our scents on our list of what smells do mosquitoes hate. In fact, many other pests hate it too, including fleas, ticks, flies, spiders, roaches, and ants.


5 eucalyptus
Eucalyptus can have a lovely scent for people but mosquitoes hate it.

Wondering why eucalyptus is on our list of what scent do mosquitoes hate? Wonder no more. Eucalyptus is a tree that grows up to 40 meters tall. The leaves have a distinct smell reminiscent of camphor and menthol. It is native to Australia, but it is also found in other parts of the world like Africa and India

Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of human beings, as we’ve mentioned, but they are repulsed by the smell of eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus trees not only repel mosquitoes, but they also repel flies, gnats, and other pests. There are many varieties of eucalyptus trees available, but not all of them produce an effective amount of repellent oils in their leaves. Some will produce very little oil while others produce an abundance.

You can make your own mosquito repellent by mixing eucalyptus oil with water and then spraying it on yourself before going out in the evening or early morning when mosquitoes are most active. If you don’t want to spray yourself down with something as strong smelling as eucalyptus spray, then you can also just burn some eucalyptus incense or even use eucalyptus oil in an oil diffuser inside your home.


6 lavender
Lavender is a lovely addition to your garden because it repels mosquitoes but attracts the good insects.

Another scent that belongs on our list of what scents do mosquitoes hate is the scent of lavender. Lavender is a perennial plant with many varieties. It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Modern research supports its use as an effective treatment for anxiety, insomnia, depression and even some skin conditions.

The smell of lavender is one of the most popular scents for people, but mosquitoes can’t stand it. It is thought that mosquitoes are repelled by this scent because it mimics a natural predator of the mosquito. The smell is also believed to confuse them and make it impossible for them to find their food source.

You can use different methods when it comes to using what scent to mosquitoes to repel the pests. Lavender essential oil has been shown in some studies to be effective at repelling mosquitoes and other insects. Of course, you can also plant lavender in your garden or even hang dried lavender around your home.

Along with mosquitoes, lavender can repel pests like spiders, gnats, and flies while attracting the good insects like honey bees and butterflies.

Some people simply rub a few drops of pure lavender essential oil on exposed skin, while others prefer to use an aromatherapy diffuser or vaporizer that can disperse the scent more effectively throughout the room.


7 rosemary
Rosemary is a lovely smelling herb that can help repel a number of pests.

If you have rosemary growing in your garden, you may have noticed that mosquitoes don’t seem to come around as often as they might. This is because rosemary contains an essential oil called eucalyptol which has been proven to repel mosquitoes.

So yes, rosemary is another on our list of what scent do mosquitoes hate. Rosemary has been shown to be an effective repellent against mosquitoes, flies, gnats and other insects. The plant itself smells wonderful, with a woody scent that reminds people of Christmas trees or pine needles. The scent is also very pungent so it can help keep away unwanted visitors without having to use harmful chemicals.

You can use rosemary as an essential oil when it comes to what scents do mosquitoes hate. Like most essential oils, you can diffuse rosemary oil in an oil diffuser or even add several drops of it to two cups of water in a spray bottle to make your own mosquito repellent spray.

Rosemary is a perennial herb that grows about two feet tall. It has small, needle-like leaves that grow in whorls of four. The leaves are grayish green on top and pale beneath. The flowers are tiny, white and purple or blue in color. The name “rosemary” comes from the Latin for “dew of the sea” because it was believed to have been brought by the Virgin Mary from Bethlehem to Rome when she traveled there to visit her cousin Elizabeth.

Rosemary thrives in sunny areas and grows best in well-drained soil that’s moderately rich in organic matter. It can be grown in pots indoors, which makes it an ideal winter crop for those who live where winters are cold and snowy. However, if you’re only going to grow rosemary outside as an annual plant that will die after one season, make sure you start with plants purchased from a nursery rather than seeds because they’re much more likely to thrive than seeds sown directly into your garden soil.


8 Peppermint
Peppermint can be used in food and drinks, but it can also be used as a method for pest control.

Peppermint is a perennial herb with leaves and stems that produce a cooling sensation when chewed. Peppermint is native to Europe, North Africa and western Asia. The plant grows up to three feet tall, with smooth, heart-shaped leaves that are slightly hairy on top.

Due to peppermint’s strong smell, it is another on our list of what scent do mosquitoes hate.

This oil is known to be strong and effective, which is why many people like using it as a bug repellent.

The reason why mosquitoes hate the smell of peppermint is because it’s so strong that it irritates them and makes them want to stay away. When you apply this oil on your skin, it gives off a strong aroma that can be smelled by mosquitoes from a distance.

The best part about using peppermint oil as a bug repellent is that it’s very easy to apply. You can simply put some drops of this oil on your hands or wrists before going outdoors for an evening walk or camping trip. The scent will last for hours on end so you don’t have to worry about reapplying it every time you go out.

In addition to being an excellent insect repellent, peppermint also has its own set of health benefits such as helping with digestion problems, insomnia and headaches.


9 basil
Basil can work to repel mosquitoes safely without the use of chemicals.

Basil is a popular herb that can be used in cooking and beverages. It also has a long history of use as a medicinal herb. Of course, because it’s on this list, it also belongs as one of our “what scent do mosquitoes hate” contenders.

Basil is usually grown as an annual, but it is often perennial in warmer climates. The leaves are highly aromatic and are used for flavoring many foods; the most common culinary varieties are green basil and sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum). Basil is also used for its fragrance and its essential oil, which contains high levels of eugenol.

Basil is native to India and other tropical regions of Asia. It has been cultivated for at least 5,000 years both for culinary purposes and its healing properties. In Chinese medicine, basil is considered one of the 50 fundamental herbs; some cultures believe that it has magical powers when eaten raw by pregnant women.

Of course, that’s all fine and dandy if you’re a human, but what if you’re a mosquito?

The strong scent of basil has been proven to repel mosquitoes, and it’s also a great way to add a little pizzazz to your garden. In fact, basil has some surprising insect-repelling properties that make it a natural choice for growing in your yard or garden. Basil plants are very fragrant, which makes them effective at keeping many other pests away from your yard and patio as well. Basil is not only a very effective mosquito repellent. It will also repel other insects, including ants and flies.


10 lemongrass
Lemongrass is highly irritating to pests like mosquitoes.

Lemongrass is another plant on our list of what scents do mosquitoes hate. It is a common ingredient in many insect repellents. It has been shown to be an effective mosquito repellent in laboratory tests, and it has been used by people as a home remedy for many years.

Lemongrass has a pleasant, citrusy scent that works well on its own or blended with other essential oils such as citronella, eucalyptus and lemongrass. It’s a great choice for outdoor activities like camping, hiking and gardening because the oil it contains can repel insects for up to eight hours.

This tall grass native to India and other parts of Asia that grows up to three feet tall. The leaves are long and thin with pointed ends, while the stems are thick and woody. Lemongrass can be used fresh or dried for cooking or medicinal purposes, but it’s most commonly known as an essential oil used in candles, soaps and cosmetics.

If you prefer to use what scent do mosquitoes hate as an oil, you can use lemon eucalyptus oil, which contains a compound called citronellal, which is found in many insect repellents. And yes, this oil is derived from lemongrass.

Best Products Using Natural Ingredients To Repel Mosquitoes

11 a mosquito biting someone
Mosquito repellents are an important tool you can use to protect yourself from these pests.

Mosquito repellent is one of the most important tools to have on hand when you’re in a mosquito infested area. But how do you choose the best products to get rid of mosquitoes using what scent do mosquitoes hate?

Well, you do have the option to make your own mosquito repellents using what scent do mosquitoes hate by using the scents listed above, or you can buy products with these scents already infused in them.

Take a look at a few products below that already have what scent do mosquitoes hate in their ingredients.

Murphy’s Naturals Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Insect Spray

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Murphy’s Naturals Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Insect Spray is an all-natural insect repellent that is made from pure essential oils with plant-based ingredients. We like this product because it utilizes what scent do mosquitoes hate to help repel these pests. It also works great on both adult mosquitoes and larvae, and you can use it inside or outside to keep mosquitoes away from your home or business.

The active ingredient in Murphy’s Naturals Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Insect Spray is a powerful blend of eucalyptus oil, lemongrass oil, citronella oil and rosemary oil. These essential oils are safe for both people and pets — they contain no harmful chemicals or pesticides that could harm your family or pets. If you have sensitive skin, this spray won’t irritate it either!

Wondercide Mosquito, Tick, And Fly Repellent Spray

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Wondercide Mosquito, Tick, And Fly Repellent Spray is a safe and effective way to deter mosquitoes, ticks, and flies. It’s made with essential oils that are safe for kids and pets. This product can be used on your skin, in the yard and around the house. Wondercide Mosquito, Tick, And Fly Repellent Spray contains no DEET or other harmful chemicals. It is safe for use on kids 12 months and older and safe on dogs over eight weeks old.

To use this product that contains what scent do mosquitoes hate, sprayit on yourself before going outside. You can spray it directly on your skin as well as on clothing and hiking gear. This will repel mosquitoes and keep them away from you for several hours when applied correctly.

All Terrain Herbal Armor Mosquito Repellent

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All Terrain Herbal Armor Mosquito Repellent is a natural, eco-friendly way to repel mosquitoes. It’s made from all natural ingredients and contains no harsh chemicals or synthetic fragrances. This product is safe for children, pets and the environment.

The active ingredients in All Terrain Herbal Armor Mosquito Repellent are lemon eucalyptus oil and citronella oil, which have been proven effective as mosquito repellents by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

To use All Terrain Herbal Armor Mosquito Repellent, spray it on exposed areas of skin about 20 minutes before going outside. The spray should be applied lightly so that it doesn’t irritate your skin or cause burning sensations. You can also spray clothing with this product before going outside to keep mosquitoes away from your body. In order to get rid of mosquitoes completely, apply a second application every 30 minutes during outdoor activities such as barbecuing or hiking through woods or fields where mosquitoes are prevalent.

OFF! Botanicals Deet-Free Insect Repellent

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OFF! Botanicals Deet-Free Insect Repellent is a natural insect repellent that uses oils from plants like citronella, lemongrass, and rosemary to deter mosquitoes. The oil can be applied directly on the skin or mixed into lotions or creams. It has no added chemicals and is safe for children over six months old.

The product comes in a four oz. pump spray bottle with an applicator top. One application is supposed to last up to six hours but you may need to reapply it during the day if you are out in the woods or exposed to rain. It can also be applied directly under clothing so long as there is no open skin exposed.

Cutter Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent

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Cutter Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent is a non-greasy spray that helps to keep mosquitoes, biting flies and other insects from bothering you using what scent do mosquitoes hate.

The product comes in an 8-ounce bottle. You can use it on your skin, clothing and gear to help protect you from mosquitoes and other insects for up to 12 hours. The active ingredients in this product are DEET (20 percent), methanol, piperonyl butoxide, citronella oil and eucalyptus oil.

Best Tips And Tricks For Keeping Mosquitoes At Bay For Good

12 a black and white mosquito
Keeping mosquitoes away for good takes a combination of different methods and products.

Mosquitoes are a summertime nuisance. They’re annoying, they bite, and they spread disease. And the worst part is that there’s no way to keep them at bay for good.

But there are some tricks you can use to make your backyard less mosquito-friendly. And if you do it right, you’ll have fewer mosquitoes to deal with and more time to enjoy your summer nights.

Here are some tips:

Keep standing water away from your home. Mosquitoes breed in standing water — even a small puddle can be enough for them. So when you see standing water outside your home or in your yard, make sure it gets drained or filled with something else before mosquitoes have time to take root. You can do this by running a garden hose over the area or using a bucket or other tool to scoop up the water so it doesn’t sit around for too long.

Clear out the brush near your house. If there’s extra vegetation near your home (like bushes) that blocks direct sunlight from reaching the ground, then mosquitoes will flock to that spot because it provides shade for them during daytime hours when they’d normally be exposed to heat and light — which kills off many mosquito eggs and larvae.

Install screens on windows and doors. If your home has screens, they should be intact and fit tightly into the frame of the window or door to keep mosquitoes out of your house. Make sure that all screens are kept clean so that no openings remain where mosquitoes can get in through tiny holes in the mesh.

Last, be sure to wear mosquito repellent using some form of what scent do mosquitoes hate when out and about. Though small, mosquitoes can be dangerous due to the serious illnesses they can transmit to both people and animals.

We hope this has been a helpful guide and we have answered your questions about what scent do mosquitoes hate!

Now we want to hear from you. Do you know of any more scents that mosquitoes despise? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading!

What scent do mosquitoes hate 1 What scent do mosquitoes hate 2