How Long Do Flies Live In A House – How To Manage Flies In Your Home 

Flies are a common household pest no matter the time of year, and they can be quite frustrating to deal with. They can cause problems for you and your family, whether they are infesting your kitchen, or buzzing around your garbage bins in bedrooms or garages.

Most of the time you’ll be able to get rid of flies in your home easily, but there are times a pesky fly or two might get the better of you.

So, what if you have a fly in your home you cannot get rid of? How long do flies live in a house, and what methods can you use to get rid of flies? That’s what we’re here to find out.

What Are Flies

1 a close up of a gray fly
Flies are common household pests.

Flies are insects of the order Diptera (“two-winged”), the name being derived from the Greek di (two) and ptera (wings). Flies are holometabolous, meaning that they undergo complete metamorphosis. In most species, the larvae are specialized for feeding on almost anything edible, mainly organic material such as carrion, dung, and fungi.

Many are scavengers but some flies are predators. The entire process of development of a fly can take a very short period of time or a year or more depending on the species.

Flies have a wide range of behaviors including natural and sexual selection, mimicry, communication, learning and memory, foraging strategies, and survival techniques, and all vary depending on species.

Depending on the species, some flies can also be dangerous. In fact, Flies are known to transmit a wide range of diseases, such as typhoid, cholera, and West Nile virus. Flies also help spread parasitic worms that can cause intestinal problems. Some flies are carriers of eye infections and spread diseases like sleeping sickness and anthrax.

Flies can also spread diseases by contaminating food with their droppings or vomit. For example, fruit flies lay their eggs in fruit and vegetables, which then grow into maggots that feed on the food. The maggots excrete bacteria that cause food poisoning if ingested by humans or animals.

If you have flies in your home and are wondering how long do flies live in a house, you’re asking a good question.

Flies are certainly a nuisance pest but they can also be dangerous, as we mentioned above. Worse, when flies get inside of homes, they can cause several problems for homeowners such as food contamination, and their presence can even attract other insects.

Luckily, fly infestations inside of homes are rare and you’ll usually be dealing with just one or two flies in your home at a time. However, it is possible for a fly infestation to occur, especially if you’re not careful.

Flies reproduce rapidly when conditions are favorable for them to do so. The female lays eggs on decomposing matter such as manure, garbage, or food waste. The eggs hatch within 24 hours into maggots that feed on organic material until they pupate into adults that resemble the adults except they are smaller than the original adults.

The complete cycle may take anywhere from six days to three weeks depending on temperature and humidity levels.

If left unchecked, you could wind up with fly infestations in specific areas of your home like kitchens, bathrooms, and garages.

This is just one of the many reasons it’s important to know the answer to how long do flies live in a house.

But in order to answer that question, we have to first understand the different types of flies you might encounter in your home.

Remember, there are over 18,000 species of flies in North America, and different species of flies have different habits, lifespans, and reproduction rates.

For this reason, it can be difficult to answer the question of how long do flies live in a house. Below are some of the most common types of flies you might find in your home.

Common House Flies

2 a common house fly
The common house fly is likely the type of fly you are dealing with if you’re dealing with a fly in your home.

The common housefly is the most common of a large number of species of fly in the family Muscidae. These flies are known for their quick movements, erratic flight patterns, and their association with filth.

Adult flies are about 4–5 mm (0.16–0.20 in) long with yellow to brown colored bodies. They have two black stripes on the thorax and a pair of dark gray stripes on each side of the abdomen. The larvae are legless maggots that feed on garbage or decaying organic matter on the ground.

When it comes to how long do flies live in a house, the common housefly can live for two to three weeks in the house. During this time it may lay hundreds of eggs. Upon hatching, the larvae feed on decaying organic matter such as food waste, feces, and carrion. When fully grown they pupate in warm, moist places such as drains or rubbish tips before emerging as adult flies within 5–14 days.

Cluster Flies

3 a cluster fly
Cluster flies get their name for their habit of clustering around windows or ceilings.

The cluster fly is a small, hairy fly that can be found throughout the world. The adult flies are mostly harmless, but they can lay their eggs in your home or on your animals. The larvae that hatch from these eggs are parasitic and feed on the flesh of mammals, particularly rodents.

Cluster flies are very similar to stable flies in appearance and behavior. They get their name from the fact that they tend to congregate in clusters if they get into homes, often near windows or corners of walls.

The adult flies are about 1/4 inch long with gray or black bodies and brown heads and wings. The body is covered with short hairs that give it a fuzzy appearance, which helps them blend into the background when resting on walls or window sills.

The life cycle of cluster flies depends on temperature and humidity levels but generally takes between two weeks and six months depending on conditions. In temperate climates such as those found in North America, Europe, and Australia, one generation per year is common while two generations per year are produced in tropical areas.

If you’re asking how long do flies live in a house, cluster flies can live for around one to three months.


4 a mosquito on a leaf
Mosquitoes are considered one of the most dangerous pests in the world.

Mosquitoes are a type of fly in the order Diptera that have been known to transmit diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, and dengue fever. The word “mosquito” comes from the Spanish word for “little fly.”

When it comes to dangerous insects, mosquitoes are considered one of the most dangerous insects in the world due to the serious diseases they are known to spread when they bite and feed on human and animal blood.

Mosquitoes are found worldwide, except at very high altitudes and in extremely cold climates. They prefer warm, humid environments, but some species can survive in dry areas.

There are over 250 different types of mosquitoes in the United States. They range in size from 1/16-inch to 1-inch (1 mm to 30 mm). Their bodies are long and slender with three sections: head (with mouthparts), wings, and thorax (middle section). Most types of mosquitoes have four wings; females have two pairs of wings while males have one pair of wings plus one pair of halteres (vestigial appendages that resemble tiny paddle wheels).

Only female mosquitoes bite and drink blood, and it is unusual to have a mosquito infestation inside of your home. For the most part, mosquitoes live outdoors, though mosquitoes can get into your home through vulnerabilities in your home or doors and windows that may have been left open.

So, how long do flies live in a house when they are mosquitoes? If you do have a mosquito in your home, it can live between 10 and 56 days.

Fruit Flies

5 fruit flies
Fruit flies are attracted to fermenting fruit.

Fruit flies are small, delicate-looking flies that belong to the family of Diptera. These tiny insects are common in homes and restaurants where they feed on decaying fruit and vegetables. Fruit flies are not only a nuisance, but they can also cause damage to your food supplies.

There are many different species of fruit flies in the world, with many subspecies. These small insects are found throughout the world in tropical and temperate regions. They tend to live in clusters or colonies, so you may be able to find them by looking for large groups of these flies near your fruits or vegetables inside your home.

Fruit flies lay their eggs on overripe or fermenting fruits or vegetables. You usually see them around these areas because they like to lay their eggs there so that their larvae can feed on the decaying produce after it dies naturally (or you throw it out). Once a larvae hatches from its egg, it goes through a number of molting stages before becoming an adult fly capable of reproducing more larvae on its own (this takes about two weeks).

When looking into how long do flies live in a house when it comes to fruit flies, they can live for around 40 to 50 days if the environment for them is right.

Drain Flies

6 a drain fly
Drain flies are common pests around bathroom and kitchen drains.

Drain flies are tiny, house-dwelling insects that are commonly mistaken for fruit flies. They are not harmful to humans and will not bite. They do, however, multiply quickly and can cause problems by contaminating food and drink with their excrement.

Drain flies are found in drains, garbage disposals, and other moist areas around houses. The larvae feed on decaying organic matter such as leaves or other organic debris that may be present in your drain pipes or garbage disposal. Drain flies usually only appear during warm months of the year when there is plenty of moisture available for breeding. As soon as the weather cools down, their populations will decline dramatically until springtime when they will reappear again.

Drain flies have a short life cycle of about 10 days from egg to adult, so when asking how long do flies live in a house if they are drain flies, the answer is not very long.

Still, that doesn’t mean these flies aren’t a major nuisance. These flies lay their eggs on kitchen or counter surfaces near drains or wherever there is food available for larvae to eat once hatched. Larvae feed on the decomposing matter in drains until they mature into adults which then mate before laying eggs and beginning the cycle over again. If left unchecked, you can continue to have a long-term fly infestation in your home.

Blow Flies

7 a blow fly
Blow flies are sometimes known as the green bottle fly or blue bottle fly due to their unique coloring.

Blow flies are a type of fly that is commonly found throughout the world. The blowfly is also known as the blue bottle or green bottle fly. These flies have a short life cycle and can lay eggs within 24 hours after hatching themselves. The eggs hatch into maggots within 3 to 5 days, depending on the temperature.

The life cycle of a blowfly lasts only around 48 hours, which is good to know when asking how long do flies live in a house. Female blow flies will lay eggs on any dead animal or human body that they find. Blow flies are attracted to sweet-smelling areas on the body, such as wounds and open flesh. Blow flies will not just lay their eggs on an animal or human body; they will also lay them on other insects and decaying matter like fruit and vegetables that have fallen from trees or gardens.

Blow flies are also attracted to carrion because they feed on it for protein and nutrients needed for egg production. These pests are generally described as large, brownish-gray insects with clear wings and yellow stripes around their midsections and behind their eyes.

Why Do I Have Flies In My House? Understanding What Flies Are Attracted To

8 two flies
Flies are attracted to food, water, and shelter, but different species of flies may be attracted to different things.

If you are looking into how long do flies live in a house, then chances are you’re dealing with these pests indoors. Don’t worry – you’re not alone.

Flies are one of the most common, annoying pests in homes. They can be found everywhere from basements to attics, from garages to bathrooms. Most people don’t even realize that they have a fly problem until they suddenly see a fly – or several – buzzing around their food or hear flies buzzing in the ceiling.

So, now that we know the answer to how long do flies live in a house, let’s talk about why you might have flies in your house in the first place.

Flies are attracted to a variety of things depending on their species. For the most part, flies are attracted to food waste, pet waste, debris, moisture, shelter, and protection from predators.

Some common fly attractants could include unclean living conditions like homes with lots of clutter and debris. Homes with leaking pipes or excess water sources could also lead to an uptick in flies.

Dishes left in the sink overnight, garbage overflowing in the bin, and pet waste building up in the yard are other attractants to flies. Flies are also attracted by light so make sure you keep your doors and windows closed when not in use.

If you want to keep flies out of your home, keep it clean and vacuumed often. Be sure you store food properly (including pet food and bird seed), clean up pet waste from the backyard, and empty garbage bins often. You might also consider investing in sealed bins to keep pests out.

Another great way to remove flies so you don’t have to wonder how long do flies live in a house is to ensure you use a quality product for fly removal.

Keep reading to learn more.

How To Get Rid Of Flies In Your House – Best Products For Indoor Fly Control

9 a fly with red eyes
Flys are repelled by a number of natural and chemical products.

As we now know, flies are common pests that can be found in homes, restaurants, and other buildings. They can be a nuisance and also spread diseases if not controlled properly. Flies are attracted to food, garbage, and other decomposing matter.

To get rid of flies in your house you need to first identify the source of the infestation. Once you have identified the source of the problem and the type of flies you are dealing with, you can look into the best products for fly and pest control to use inside your home.

When it comes to indoor fly control, you have a lot of options. There are sprays, gels, traps, and more. Which one is the best for you?

Before you choose a product for your indoor fly control needs, there are some things to consider:

What type of pest is it? Is it a fly or another small flying insect? Is it a gnat or a fruit fly? Do you want something that will kill on contact or something that will trap the pests away from where you want them to be?

How much space do you have to cover? Are you looking at one room or an entire house? A large house with multiple rooms may call for different products than a smaller apartment unit with only one room.

Do you have pets or children in the area where the product will be used? Pets and children should always be kept away from areas where sprays are used.

Are there any health concerns associated with using an insecticide indoors? If so then make sure to read all labels carefully before applying any pesticides inside your home!

If you’re not sure which products might be best for you now that you know how long do flies live in a house, we have listed some of the products we recommend for you below.

Catchmaster Bug & Fly Window Fly Traps

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The Catchmaster Bug & Fly Window Fly Traps are a great way to get rid of indoor flies once you find out how long do flies live in a house. The traps have a sticky surface that attracts flies, but they are safe around children and pets. The traps come with a special adhesive that can be used to attach them to the inside of your home. They also come with an indicator card that tells you when you need to replace the trap.

The traps are very easy to use and can help reduce the number of flies in your home by up to 80%. They’re made from 100% recycled plastic, which means they are also better for the environment.

FVOAI Indoor Fly Trap

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The FVOAI Indoor Fly Trap is a chemical-free way to trap flies, mosquitoes, and other annoying insects. The trap uses two powerful attractants that lure insects into the trap with a powerful light. Once they are inside, they cannot escape because of the fan which blows them into the collection chamber.

The trap emits both CO2 and UV light – both of which are common attractants for many insects. When an insect enters the trap, its movement causes the fan to turn on, blowing them into a collection chamber where they cannot escape. The traps can be set up anywhere indoors without having to touch any chemicals or poisons – making them safe for use around pets as well as children and adults alike.

Wondercide Natural Products Indoor Pest Control

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Wondercide Indoor Pest Control Spray is guaranteed to get rid of flies, mosquitoes and other indoor pests. We like that this product is a safe, non-toxic product that has also been proven effective against a wide variety of other insects.

It uses all-natural essential oils to keep your home pest-free. The active ingredient in Wondercide Natural Products Indoor Pest Control is peppermint oil which has been proven effective against flies, mosquitoes, and other common indoor pests.

Hotshot Flying Insect Killer Spray

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Hotshot Flying Insect Killer Spray is a non-toxic, fast-acting, ready-to-use fly spray that kills house flies and other flying pests on contact. The spray kills adult flies in seconds and dries quickly so it won’t leave any sticky mess behind. And because it’s made with natural ingredients, you can use this product around your pets, in the home, or around food processing areas.

You can use this product on hard, nonporous surfaces where flies congregate such as windowsills, doorways, and other entry points. To ensure the complete elimination of all flies from your home or business, apply Hotshot Flying Insect Killer Spray to window sills and door frames at least twice weekly.

Mighty Mint Insect Pest Control Spray

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Mighty Mint Insect Pest Control Spray is an all-natural, non-toxic pest control spray that kills flies, ants, spiders and other insects. It’s a safe way to get rid of indoor flies and other insects without hurting you or your family.

Mighty Mint Insect Pest Control Spray is safe for use around pets and children. It uses peppermint oil as its active ingredient to kill bugs and repel other pests. The peppermint oil smells good and leaves no residue on surfaces that it comes in contact with, so you can use it in your kitchen or any room in your home without worrying about stains or odors.

How Long Do Flies Live In A House – Let’s Sum It Up

10 a fly on a grill
Most flies have relatively short lifespans, but they can reproduce rapidly.

The most effective method to keep flies out of your home is to keep your home clean and tidy. The best way to do this is to prevent the trash from building up in the house and keep your kitchen, bedrooms, and bathrooms clean. If you do have a fly infestation, there are several things you can do to get rid of them:

Clean your house regularly

The best way to prevent flies from coming into your home is to clean regularly. Once a week is a good rule of thumb for most people, but if you have pets or children who play outside a lot, then it may be necessary to clean more often than this. Cleaning will keep any spills or food crumbs off the floor and away from potential breeding grounds for flies.

Keep your kitchen clean

Flies love garbage and other rotting foods, so keeping these things out of your kitchen will help decrease the number of flies in your home significantly and will mean you no longer have to look into how long do flies live in a house. If there is nothing edible left out on your counters or tables after meals, then there won’t be anything for them to feed on when they come in through potentially open doors and windows later on during the day.

Don’t leave food out on counters or tables

Flies are attracted to food odor and will lay eggs in any food left out on a countertop or table. If you do not want flies in your home and you don’t want to look up how long do flies live in a house, make sure to dispose of all leftover foods after you have finished eating them. You should also store food properly when they are not being eaten so flies cannot access leftovers.

Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight or for more than 24 hours

Flies lay eggs in dirty areas like your kitchen sink where filth is usually present. If you have dirty dishes sitting in your sink overnight or for more than 24 hours, it’s possible that there may be fly eggs present as well. Dispose of any dirty dishes immediately after use so that flies do not have an opportunity to lay their eggs there or feed on leftover foods. You should also keep your kitchen clean at all times so that there is less filth around for flies to find a suitable place to live and breed.

Remove garbage regularly

If you have a trash compactor, empty it frequently, as flies love to lay eggs in the moist, warm environment created by compacted trash. Garbage cans should always be covered when they’re not being emptied.

Finally, If you can’t get rid of flies, contact a professional for assistance.

We hope this has been a helpful guide and you now know more about how long do flies live in a house!

Best of luck and thanks for reading.

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