Raccoons are very common in urban areas and they have the potential to cause a lot of damage to your home. If you are not careful, you may end up with a raccoon infestation in your house.
To avoid this, you need to understand how they behave and what they eat. This will help you make the right decision when it comes to raccoon removal.
But are Raccoons Dangerous? Understanding the risks that come with raccoon removal is incredibly important. This can help ensure that you not only get rid of the raccoons successfully, but also safely.
So, are raccoons dangerous? In today’s article, we’re going to find out. We’re also going to find out how to remove raccoons safely once you do understand the risks. Let’s get started.
But First, Let’s Talk About Raccoons
Raccoons are fascinating animals but they can also be dangerous.
Raccoons are a member of the Procyonid family, which also includes ringtail cats, coatis, kinkajous and olingos. The raccoon is native to North America. They are omnivorous and their diet can range from crayfish to berries, to everything in between. There are seven species of raccoons in the world, but only one most common in North America.
If you’ve ever seen a raccoon you would know it. Though nocturnal, these animals are easy to identify. Raccoons have grayish fur with black rings around their eyes and black tipped ears. Their tails are long and bushy and they have five toes on each foot. They can be up to two feet long when they stretch out their bodies but usually weigh only around 15 pounds when fully grown. They are nocturnal animals, as we mentioned, which means they are active at night and sleep during the day time.
Raccoons live in trees or dens that they have dug into the ground using their sharp claws and powerful front legs. Are raccoons dangerous? They can be. They like to build nests near water sources such as streams or ponds because it makes it easier for them to find food like crayfish or fish that live in these areas. Some types of raccoons will even build nests inside abandoned houses if there is enough space for them!
Raccoons are highly social animals. They are known to live in groups called “families” or “packs”, consisting of a mated pair and their young offspring. Raccoons frequently travel in groups, so it is common to see several raccoons together at night, searching for food. Each family has its own territory that they mark with scat and urine, which they defend from other raccoons. The size of each territory varies depending on the availability of food and water, but typically ranges from 2-8 acres.
The raccoon will mate in January or February, with two to five young born in April or May. The babies stay with their mother until they are seven months old before leaving to live alone.
The raccoon’s main predator is humans, who hunt them for their fur or kill them as pests because they can damage crops and gardens by digging up plants or eating fruit off trees.
With that said, raccoons are also serious predators to a number of other animals. In fact, raccoons can eat insects, frogs, fish, rodents, and even garbage or food left outside by humans.
For this reason, many raccoons have become a nuisance in both urban and suburban areas. They tend to congregate around human dwellings looking for food to scavenge. In some cases, raccoons can become territorial, leading many to ask, “are raccoons dangerous?”
Are Raccoons Dangerous?
Though they can look sweet and cuddly, raccoons can bite.
Raccoons are a common sight in many parts of the world. They are nocturnal, omnivorous mammals that live in woodlands, forests and urban areas. They are skilled climbers, but they can also swim and run quickly on all fours to escape danger.
Raccoons are generally considered to be very intelligent animals that exhibit a wide range of behaviors. They have been observed using tools to get food and showing signs of compassion for other raccoons in distress. All of these qualities make raccoons incredibly interesting, and their cute appearance can even lead many people to assume these animals are harmless.
But are raccoons dangerous? The answer is yes, raccoons can be dangerous to both people and pets.
Although raccoons are not generally aggressive towards humans, they can become aggressive if they feel threatened or cornered. With that said, raccoons rarely attack humans unless they are sick or being handled. Even then, they only attack if they feel they must or if they feel someone is trying to harm them or their young ones.
If you come across a raccoon while out walking at night, don’t panic! Most likely it will try to avoid you as much as possible. However, if the animal approaches your property or comes into contact with your pets or children, call animal control immediately so that an expert can remove it, as this is a sign of a seriously ill raccoon. And speaking of an ill raccoon, let’s talk about other dangers you may not realize are present when asking are raccoons dangerous.
Raccoons are known to be carriers of rabies and distemper. Rabies is a viral disease that attacks the nervous system and causes brain dysfunction. Distemper is a viral disease that affects the respiratory, gastrointestinal and reproductive systems of raccoons. Both of these diseases can be fatal if left untreated.
Other diseases that raccoons carry that you should be aware of when asking are raccoons dangerous include:
Parvovirus: This highly contagious virus attacks the gastrointestinal tract, causing extremely severe vomiting and diarrhea in young animals with no cure for this disease.
Leptospirosis: This bacterial disease causes vomiting, diarrhea and sometimes jaundice in some animals. It can be transmitted to humans through contaminated water sources or contact with infected animals like raccoons.
Salmonellosis: If you’re wondering are raccoons dangerous, then you should know they can spread salmonella. This bacterial infection causes fever, diarrhea and abdominal pain in humans if they ingest contaminated food or drink while handling infected animals without wearing gloves or washing their hands afterward.
Along with diseases, raccoons also carry a number of parasites.
The most common of these parasites is the Baylisascaris procyonis roundworm, which you should know when wondering are raccoons dangerous. This parasite can infect a person through contact with raccoon feces and can cause serious health conditions including blindness, neurological damage and even death.
Another common parasite carried by raccoons is the Encephalitozoon cuniculi protozoa. This parasite can also be transmitted to humans through contact with raccoon feces and causes symptoms such as fever and headaches.
Other parasites that are commonly found in raccoons you should be aware of when asking are raccoons dangerous include ticks, fleas, mites and lice. These parasites can also be transmitted to humans through direct contact with an infected individual or their waste products (such as the feces).
Along with potentially spreading diseases and parasites, raccoons can also be incredibly destructive to your property.
Not only is the answer to are raccoons dangerous, yes, but they can cause major damage to your home and yard. These pests have very dexterous hands and opposable thumbs, which means they can easily open doors or latches to gain access to your home.
Once inside, raccoons will cause all kinds of damage. They love to chew on everything from electrical wires to furniture, as well as rip up carpeting and insulation for bedding material. Raccoons also like to get into garbage cans and dumpster bins, which can lead to a host of problems not only for you, but also for raccoons who may get into food that could make them sick.
Are Raccoons Dangerous? What To Do If You Are Bitten Or Scratched By A Racoon
Raccoons can carry rabies and other diseases.
If you are attempting to remove raccoons, it’s important to remember the answer to are raccoons dangerous is a resounding yes. One of the most serious diseases raccoons can spread to humans is rabies, and this is what you will need to be most concerned with should you ever end up bitten or scratched by a raccoon.
Rabies is a zoonotic disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans. It is caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system and can lead to death if left untreated. Rabies is usually found in wild animals like raccoons, skunks, bats, foxes and coyotes.
If you have been bitten or scratched by one of these animals, know that the answer to are raccoons dangerous is yes, so it’s important to act quickly and take the below steps immediately:
- Wash the wound for 10 minutes with warm water and soap.
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Call your local hospital or emergency room resources immediately after the incident occurs so that medical professionals can determine whether you need treatment or not.
- If possible, capture the animal safely and bring it with you to the hospital so they can test it for rabies (if needed).
Are raccoons dangerous? Yes, so to avoid a raccoon bite, there are several steps you should take.
Remember, raccoons are wild animals. In the wild, they would never be friendly and approachable. However, raccoons have become acclimated to human activity the closer they live to our cities and towns, and this has led to some raccoons becoming more acclimated to humans. That said, there are still many things that you can do to avoid a raccoon bite.
The best way to avoid a raccoon bite is by not interacting with them at all since the answer to are raccoons dangerous is yes. If you see one in your backyard or around your home keep your distance from them and back away slowly without making any sudden movements or loud noises. Do not attempt to approach a raccoon or touch a raccoon.
When asking are raccoons dangerous, we should also note that even raccoon babies (also known as kits) can carry rabies. In fact, kits can carry many of the same diseases and parasites as their parents, so if you find a baby raccoon, it’s still best to leave it be and call your local wildlife resource for help.
If you are attempting to repel or remove raccoons, do so using safe methods that do not require you to get close to the raccoon or handle it. We will talk more about the best types of products and methods you can use for raccoon removal when asking yourself are raccoons dangerous.
But before we do, let’s first talk about why you might be dealing with raccoons in the first place.
What Attracts Raccoons?
Raccoons will eat just about anything.
Are raccoons dangerous? Yes, they can certainly be dangerous if they are handled incorrectly. But part of making sure you keep a safe distance from raccoons means understanding why you might have raccoons around your property in the first place so you can take steps to deter them.
It’s important to note that raccoons are versatile creatures with a wide range of habitats. They can be found in forests, mountains, plains and even suburban neighborhoods. Raccoons have an omnivorous diet consisting of fruits, nuts, berries and insects. They also eat small mammals, fish, birds and eggs.
Female raccoons will give birth to two to five kits per litter with each kit weighing only about one pound at birth.
If you’re trying to keep raccoons at bay, understanding their habitat can help. But you should know that more than anything, raccoons are attracted to food and water sources. These animals will be attracted to almost any type of food source including trash cans, pet food bowls and bird feeders. They especially love dog food because it is high in fat content which makes it very nutritious for them to eat.
The answer to are raccoons dangerous is true not only for humans, but also for domestic animals. Raccoons will also prey on young chickens and other poultry, which makes them a threat to anyone who keeps livestock on their property.
Other things that attract raccoons include:
- Fruit trees
- Vegetables gardens
- Bird feeders
- Trash cans
- Coy ponds
- And roofs or attics with each access inside where raccoons can den safely with their young
How To Remove Raccoons Safely – Best Methods
Raccoons can be safely removed using catch and release methods.
Are raccoons dangerous? The answer is yes. Raccoons are also very intelligent animals that adapt quickly and easily to any situation. They can cause a lot of damage if they get into your garbage or pet food and water dishes. Let’s talk about some safe methods for getting rid of raccoons in your yard and keeping them away from your property.
Scent Repellents – Since we know the answer to are raccoons dangerous is yes, it’s important to remove them using safe methods. Raccoons have an excellent sense of smell, so scents can be used to deter them from entering an area or coming back again. Use peppermint oil, mothballs, ammonia-soaked rags or other strong scents to keep raccoons away from certain areas like lids on garbage cans or around pet carriers.
Motion Repellents – Motion activated sprinklers can also be used to keep raccoons away. The sound and movement of the water will scare off most raccoons, but it won’t hurt them at all (unlike lethal traps or chemical repellents, which can also be dangerous for other animals, the environment, and even children and pets.
Catch and Release Traps – If you see a raccoon in your yard, you can try getting rid of it by setting up a catch-and-release trap. This will allow you to relocate the animal safely and humanely. However, if you have multiple raccoons in your yard, this may not be an effective solution alone. Now that you know the answer to are raccoons dangerous is yes, it’s important to use safety precautions when using catch and release traps. These could include wearing thick bite-preventative gloves and traps that are specifically designed for catching and relocating live raccoons.
Ultrasonic Repellents – Because we know the answer to are raccoons dangerous is yes, using ultrasonic repellents can be a safe way to repel them. These devices use high-pitched sounds to drive away unwanted animals like raccoons. The idea is that they’re so uncomfortable with the noise that they’ll leave in search of a quieter location. While there are some studies that show these devices are somewhat effective at repelling animals, there’s no evidence that they will actually keep them away permanently. This means you should use ultrasonic pest repellent methods along with other methods for raccoon removal.
Fences – A garden fence can be used to keep raccoons out of your garden if it is made of quality material like metal, chicken wire, or sturdy mesh. Of course, this type of fencing will only help protect whatever it is surrounding and will not help keep raccoons away for good. Again, it’s important to use a combination of methods along with fencing for getting rid of raccoons now that you know the answer to are raccoons dangerous.
Which Products Should You Use To Remove Raccoons
Traps can be used to safely get rid of raccoons.
Are raccoons dangerous? They can be! So which Products Should You Use To Remove Raccoons
The most common way to get rid of raccoons is by trapping or repelling them. You can use a variety of products and methods to do this, but you must be careful when using any chemicals around your home. Many of these products are not safe for humans or animals and should only be used as directed on the label.
You can find raccoon repellent sprays, powders and granules at many hardware stores. These sprays may contain ingredients like mothballs, sulfur and capsicum that are designed to irritate the animals’ noses and eyes when they step on them. The powder or granule will also irritate their paws so they won’t want to come back into the area where it was applied.
When using any type of chemical repellent, make sure that it is safe for both humans and pets before applying it around your home. If you have any questions about whether a particular product is safe for your home or property, contact your local wildlife control company for advice.
Below are several products you can use for getting rid of raccoons now that you know the answer to are raccoons dangerous.
OxGord Live Animal Trap
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If you choose to try trapping to get rid of raccoons now that you know the answer to are raccoons dangerous, there are many different types of traps available on the market today. One that we recommend is the OxGord Live Animal Trap. This trap is designed specifically for catching raccoons and other small animals such as squirrels or rabbits.
This trap has a solid top and bottom, which makes it strong enough to hold raccoons. The entire trap comes apart for easy cleaning and storage.
The OxGord Live Animal Trap is made of galvanized steel with a powder-coated finish. It also has a durable spring loaded door, which makes it easy to open and close. This trap can be used over and over again without losing any of its effectiveness.
Egowz Animal Handling Bite Proof Gloves
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Since we know the answer to are raccoons dangerous is yes, it’s no surprise we would recommend some bite-proof gloves.
Egowz Animal Handling Bite Proof Gloves are excellent gloves on the market for animal handling and pest control. The gloves are made of high-quality leather and are designed with extra protection in mind.
The gloves have a double layer of leather on the palm for added protection against bites and scratches from animals and pests. They also feature an extended cuff design that protects your wrist from bites and scratches from large animals such as dogs or raccoons.
The gloves come in three sizes: small (fits hands up to 7 inches), medium (fits hands up to 9 inches), and large (fits hands up to 11 inches).
Havahart Humane Catch and Release Trap
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The Havahart Humane Catch and Release Trap is a great trap you can use once you know the answer to are raccoons dangerous. This trap has been used successfully for over 50 years to catch raccoons without harming them.
It is made from metal wire mesh with steel springs that allow it to fold flat when not in use. The spring-loaded door closes tightly once an animal enters the cage, locking it in place until you decide what to do with it next.
Once you have caught the raccoon, put on a quality pair of bite-proof gloves like those above and transport the trap at least five to ten miles away from your home before releasing the raccoon.
Best Products For Repelling Raccoons
Repelling raccoons can be done using a variety of natural products.
Are raccoons dangerous? The answer is yes, as we now know. If you have a raccoon problem, you’re not alone. Raccoons are prolific in North America and have adapted well to urban environments.
The first step in choosing the best method for repelling raccoons is getting rid of them first. Once you have gotten rid of them, it’s important to implement steps to make your yard and home less attractive to them.
There are several types of products you can use to repel raccoons, which we have listed below.
Natural Armor Animal & Rodent Repellent Spray
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Natural Armor Animal & Rodent Repellent Spray is an all-natural repellent that is safe for people and pets, but it’s also effective at keeping animals away from your home. This repellent uses garlic oil extract as its active ingredient and smells like garlic so that no animal will want to come near it! It’s also safe for kids and pets when used as directed.
The product works by using natural ingredients like garlic oil and peppermint oil to create an odor that animals hate. When sprayed around your home or yard, the smell will keep the animals away from your property because they don’t want to come near it!
Rodent Sheriff Pest Control Repellent Spray
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Rodent Sheriff Pest Control Repellent Spray is a safe, natural and effective way to repel raccoons once you learn the answer to are raccoons dangerous is yes. This repellent spray can be used around your home to discourage raccoons from making it their home.
We like that this product uses natural ingredients that have been proven to work for many years by professional pest control technicians. The key ingredients in Rodent Sheriff Pest Control Repellent include sodium Lauryl Sulfate and eucalyptus oil, which also works to repel insects such as mosquitoes, fleas and ticks. It also has an aroma that humans find pleasant but most pests do not like it at all!
Redeo Solar Nocturnal Animal Repeller Control Light
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Redeo Solar Nocturnal Animal Repeller Control Light is a new and innovative solution to keeping pests away from your house. The repeller light features the latest in LED technology, which emits a special wavelength of light that repels animals. The repeller light can be used on its own or in conjunction with other deterrents such as ultrasonic devices or motion sensors.
Are Raccoons Dangerous? How To Keep Raccoons At A Safe Distance According To Experts
Avoid feeding raccoons and make sure you keep your yard clean and tidy.
Raccoons are one of the most common pests that you’ll find around your home. They are often attracted to the food and water sources that you provide for them, but they can also become a nuisance if they decide to set up camp on your property. And are raccoons dangerous? They certainly can be!
These animals can cause a lot of damage to your property along with being a safety risk to your family. They have sharp claws and teeth, so they have the ability to rip open garbage bags and chew through wires. If you’re looking for ways to get rid of raccoons in your yard or home, here are some tips for safely repelling them for good.
First, make sure that all food sources are cleaned up around your home. Raccoons love to eat chicken feed, pet food, fruit from trees, and even cat poop! If there’s any food source available for them on your property, they will take advantage of it.
Keep trash cans tightly closed at all times by using bungee cords or rope tied around them if necessary. Never leave any kind of open container outside because it will attract raccoons in droves!
Repair holes in fences that allow access onto your property by using wire mesh or hardware cloth. If possible, try finding out where they’re getting in first so you know how to prevent future raccoon break-ins.
If raccoons are still coming around after trying these methods, it’s time to get more aggressive with your efforts. You should contact a pest control professional who can remove these pests from your property and stop them from returning again in the future.
So, did you know the answer to are raccoons are dangerous? Tell us what you think about raccoons in the comment section below.
Jack founded our blog after two decades of working in the pest control industry. His vast experience dealing with a wide array of pests allows him to diagnose issues quickly and get to the heart of pest problems quickly and effectively. He has serviced more than 2,000 homes over his career and there is hardly any pest situation that he has not seen before.