Although flies are an essential part of our healthy ecosystem, they are also annoying and sometimes even dangerous pests when they come into contact with humans.
With over 120,000 different species of flies throughout the world and 18,000 species in the United States, flies are some of the most common insects we come across.
Are you dealing with an abundance of flies? If so, chances are you’re looking for some quality fly control products.
If so, you’re in luck! Today, we’re going to talk about the best fly swatter products. Let’s get started!
But First, Let’s Talk About Flies
Flies are some of the most prevalent insects in the world.
Flies are small flying insects in the order Diptera. They typically have two wings, six legs, and two antennas. There are thousands of species of flies throughout the world, and these pests are prevalent worldwide and in every continent save for Antarctica.
Some of the most common flies you might contend within the United States include:
- Blow Flies
- Mosquitoes
- The Common House Fly
- Flesh Flies
- Stable Flies
- Drain Flies
- Fruit Flies
- Horseflies
- Gnats
- And Phorid Flies
The average fly has a short lifespan of between seven and 28 days, depending on the species. Flies go through four stages during their lifetime including egg, pupae, larvae, and then adulthood. Although flies are considered a nuisance pest, they also play an important role in a healthy ecosystem.
In fact, many species of flies are beneficial decomposers. Phorid flies, for example, help break down decomposing organic matter while other types of flies are beneficial pollinators.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you want flies flying around your property or in your house. This is especially true when you consider that many species of fly can actually be dangerous to people and pets.
Keep reading to learn more.
Are Flies Dangerous To People And Pets?
Because of their lifestyle, flies can spread deadly bacteria to people.
Many flies are harmless to people and pets, however, there are some species of fly that can be incredibly dangerous.
In fact, the most dangerous insect in the world happens to be a fly – the mosquito.
There are numerous species of mosquitoes in the world and in the United States, and they are famous for their propensity to bite and drink blood from a living host. When it comes to mosquitoes, only the females bite. They rely on the iron in our blood to help them procreate and lay their eggs.
Female mosquitoes can transmit a number of harmful diseases to both people and animals, with some of the most dangerous being West Nile Virus, Zika Virus, Dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya virus, and more.
Biting Flies
There are several different species of biting flies, including deer flies and horse flies. These flies feed on blood and their bites are quite painful. Worse, they are also known to spread serious diseases to people and animals including tularemia, bartonellosis, leishmaniasis, and more.
Phorid Flies
Phorid flies are important because they feed on decaying organic matter like feces, dead animals, insects, and even human corpses. The problem with phorid flies lies in the small hairs on their legs. When these flies land on decaying organic matter, they pick up deadly germs that can lead to serious illness in people, especially if these flies land on surfaces where food is prepared or stored, or if they land on foods that are then ingested.
Some of the most common illnesses caused by phorid flies include gastroenteritis, salmonellosis, and conjunctivitis.
Common House Flies
Yes, even common house flies can be a danger to humans. House flies have a diverse diet, but like phorid flies, house flies feed on decaying organic matter. They can pick up deadly bacteria on their bodies and transport this bacteria to food.
LIke phorid flies, house flies can be responsible for Salmonellosis, Gastroenteritis, and Conjunctivitis, amongst other illnesses.
Since flies can be dangerous to people and pets, it’s important to implement some form of fly control around your property.
But along with using the best fly swatter products to help manage a fly problem, it’s also a good idea to understand why you have flies in the first place.
Why Do I Have Flies?
Pets and pet waste can attract flies, as can garbage, rotting vegetation, and other decaying organic matter.
Flies are attracted to a multitude of factors, and these factors can vary depending on the species of fly you are dealing with.
However, like most pests, flies are attracted to an abundance of food, shelter, and water. Some flies, like mosquitoes, are primarily attracted to areas with stagnant water sources where they can breed and lay their eggs.
Flies like house flies and phorid flies are attracted to properties with an abundance of animals, where yards might have a buildup of pet feces or properties where garbage is left outside and exposed.
Most flies are prevalent outdoors, but there are times a fly or two can enter the house through an open window or door.
If you do have large black flies in your home, chances are you have an infestation of flies outside near your home, which in turn means you have something in your property that is attracting flies.
Smaller flies like mosquitoes, gnats, fruit flies, and drain flies are attracted to other factors that could bring them into your home. Mosquitoes and gnats are attracted to the carbon dioxide you breathe and sometimes even the smell of sweat your body produces.
Fruit flies, on the other hand, are often attracted to overly ripened fruit on your kitchen counter, wine or beer, vinegar, and garbage. Drain flies are generally attracted to the buildup of gunk in your drains and require moisture in order to survive.
For this reason, you’ll likely find drain flies in areas rich in moisture like bathrooms, under kitchen sinks, in basements, or hovering around leaky faucets.
The Best Fly Swatter For Flies – What You Should Know About Fly Swatters
There are several types of fly swatters including electric fly swatters like the one pictured above.
The more we learn about flies, the less we want them hanging around our home, family, and pets. The good news is that there are plenty of products you can invest in that can help keep flies under control.
Some of these products include the best fly swatter products for flies. These fly swatter products can work both indoor and outdoor. Some are hand-held while others are electric, and all of them have the same function – to kill flies mannually.
While we do recommend investing in fly swatter products, we should also note that there are pros and cons to using them.
Fly swatters will not help keep flies at bay. They do not work as deterrents and will generally not work for flies in bulk. Instead, these types of products are ideal for homes dealing with a few flies that need to be managed here and there.
Along with using the best fly swatter products for flies, we also suggest investing in other fly control products to help keep flies at bay.
But we will talk more about these products further down. For now, let’s take a look at some of our favorite fly swatter products below.
Bug and Fly Swatter
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The Bug And Fly Swatter by Brand is a traditional fly swatter designed to help the user kill flies on contact manually. The order includes six fly swatters of different colors. The swatters are made of braided metal and materials that are light, easy to use, and flexible.
Along with helping to control flies, these hand-held fly swatters can also kill other pests like spiders, moths, crickets, hornets, and wasps.
Like all hand-held fly swatter products, you can use these fly swatters inside and outside for fly control. They are perfectly safe to use around pets and children and are completely free of chemicals or other ingredients that could be harmful to people, pets, or the environment.
While these products can help you kill flies on contact, remember that these hand-held fly swatters are for the control of single flies. They will not help to reduce a large number of flies at once, nor will they keep infestations from occurring.
Zap-It! Rechargeable Bug Zapper
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Many people have found that using electric fly swatter products is more effective in controlling pests and killing them with the first swat. For this reason, we recommend the Zap-It! Rechargeable Bug Swatter above.
This bug swatter delivers an electric shock to flies and pests that come into contact with the metal, killing the pest instantly. There is a safety handle to help control when the zapper is turned on, and it also includes a design to help protect people from accidentally becoming zapped.
You can order this fly swatter in three sizes including large, medium, and small. It includes a USB charging cable to charge the product as needed.
A single charge can deliver up to 10,000 zaps. The different sizes allow for you to take the zapper with you when traveling, hiking, or just enjoying your time outside.
Smart Swatter Fly Swatter 2 Pack
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One of the problems with using a traditional fly swatter is that they kill the fly but then you often lose the dead fly. If you don’t lose the fly, you’ll need to collect the dead fly and throw it away.
The above fly swatter is designed to take that second step out of killing the fly by being made with spikes. The spikes help to capture the dead fly or any other pest you might have killed using the fly swatter.
This allows you to easily collect the pest and dispose of it. The swatter is designed to capture and collect even very small pests upon a single swat, but then the spikes release the pest with a single flick against the side of a garbage bin.
Each order contains two smart fly swatter products in two separate colors. Like all fly swatter products on this list, you can use these fly swatters inside or outside. They are safe for children, pets, and the environment, and are easy to store when not in use.
Black & Decker Electric Fly Swatter
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If you’re on the hunt for a heavy-duty fly swatter for your fly problem, we suggest taking a look at the Black and Decker Electric Fly Swatter above. This fly swatter is especially effective against pests like black flies, house flies, biting flies, mosquitoes, and gnats.
The wire mesh is small enough to capture and kill the smallest of fly pests while also being strong enough to kill the larger flies and pests causing you problems.
You can use this product both indoors and out and it provides a safe and chemical-free way to manage pests in your backyard or in your home.
Along with being effective, the electric fly swatter is also safe. It is made with a protective mesh around the outside to help prevent accidental shocks when the electric fly swatter is turned on. The order includes a limited one-year warranty.
Anne Diary Bug Zapper and Racket
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One of the cons of using a fly swatter is that it can be difficult to get flies on walls, ceilings, or corners. The Anne Diary Bug Zapper solves that problem by offering a rotating fly swatter and racket that allows you to reach flies that have landed in more difficult areas of your home.
The fly swatter is electric and easy to use, ensuring that flies are killed on contact. It is a battery-operated fly swatter that includes a three-layer wire mesh design that is made to protect people from accidentally shocking themselves when this product is being used.
It includes a USB charger cord and a wall mount for easy storage. Best of all, you can leave the fly swatter on and stand it upright. The electric fly swatter will then act as a bug zapper.
Other Products To Help Keep Flies At Bay
Other products can help to control and manage a fly problem when used alongside a fly swatter.
While fly swatters are an effective product you can use to manage pesky flies inside and outside of your home, a fly swatter alone is not going to help keep an abundance of flies under control. Along with using a good fly swatter for fly control, we also suggest using a combination of other pest control products.
These include a combination of both pesticides and pest repellents. If you’re concerned about using chemical insecticides when it comes to fly control, you will be happy to know that you have the option of using alternative options like organic pest control options as well as ultrasonic sound devices and sticky fly traps.
Take a look!
Wondercide Pest Control
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Wondercide is an all-natural form of pest control that is made with plant-based ingredients including essential oils to help repel flies, spiders, roaches, ants, ticks, fleas, and more.
This product is perfectly safe to use around people and pets and is a great pest control option for organic gardeners.
Wondercide pest control is also safe to spray directly on vegetable gardens and ornamental plants. There is no spray and wait time, and children and pets can be present when this product is applied. When used as directed, repellent can treat up to 5,000 square feet.
FENUN Electric Fly Trap
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An electric fly trap like the one above can be an effective form of pest control for flying insects like mosquitoes, houseflies, gnats, and more. The above electric fly zapper by FENUN can help attract flies using a light that also mimics human body heat.
The trap is quiet and efficient, catching pests without annoying zapping sounds and without the use of too much power.
It attracts the flies and sucks them into the trap, catching them inside with glue-like paper. Each order includes 20 sticky glue papers.
Hot Shot No-Pest Fly Strip
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Fly strips are a common form of pest control you can use, and these products are designed to repel flies using an odorless vapor that is safe for people and pets.
You can use this strip outside on patios and porches, as well as in garages, attics, garden sheds, and more. The product contains a time-controlled release technology and continues to repel pests like flies for up to four months when used properly.
Do It Yourself Fly Control – Home Remedies And DIY Methods
Basil and essential oils can help repel flies and other pests thanks to the potent smell.
Along with using a good fly swatter and other types of fly repellent and treatment to control flies, you also have the option of using home remedies. The great thing about using home remedies is that they are often less costly than purchasing products online or at your local pest control store.
Of course, as with most pest control agents, using home remedies or do-it-yourself pest control methods does come with its own share of pros and cons.
Using home remedies can be time-consuming and may require more maintenance than using traditional pest control products. Furthermore, you may still need to buy ingredients in order to make the below recipes for fly control.
Still, we think using home remedies for fly control along with using the best fly swatter is worth a try, so we have listed some of our favorite recipes and methods for you to consider below.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are a fan favorite when it comes to pest control, and for good reason. Essential oils are natural products that work well for pest control without being harmful to people, pets, or the environment.
These products work by causing irritation to pests like rodents, insects, spiders, and even wild animals thanks to the potent smell.
Some of the best essential oils for pest control you can use when it comes to getting rid of flies include:
- Peppermint Oil
- Lavender Oil
- Citrus Oil
- Tea Tree Oil
- Eucalyptus Oil
- Citronella Oil
- And Clove Oil
You can use essential oils in a few different ways when it comes to pest control. One way is to use the cotton ball method, which requires you to soak cotton balls in the essential oil of your choice. Leave these cotton balls in areas around your home or in your yard or garden to help repel pests like flies, spiders, mice, and rats.
You will need to replace these cotton balls every three days with freshly soaked ones. Another option to help control flies alongside a fly swatter is making your own essential oil spray.
To make your own spray, combine 10 to 20 drops of the essential oil of your choice above and mix it with two cups of water. Add the solution to a spray bottle and spray it as often as you need in affected areas.
This will help keep flies and other pests at bay when applied appropriately.
Try Basil, Garlic, or Onions
Garlic, basil, and onions can help repel flies naturally. They will also repel a variety of other pests spiders, rodents, squirrels, wasps, ants, and more.
The strong smell is irritating to these pests and causes them to stay away. You can use garlic, basil, or onions by growing them in your garden, crushing them and sprinkling them around your yard, or making a spray using boiled water with crushed garlic, onions, or basil that has sat overnight.
The downside to using these ingredients for do-it-yourself pest control is that they are quite potent. While they can be effective, they can also be irritating to people and especially irritating to pets. Furthermore, garlic and onions are both toxic to dogs.
Use this method with caution if you have pets.
Ginger Spray
A ginger spray can also help to repel flies and similar pests in the same way essential oils or garlic, basil, and onions work.
The potent, somewhat spicy scent of ginger is highly irritating to flies. You can use crushed ginger and boil it in water to make your own spray. For more potency, add a few drops of essential oil.
Other options include sprinkling crushed ginger in your garden or mixing a tablespoon of ground ginger with two cups of water and essential oils in a spray bottle.
Make Your Own Apple Cider Vinegar Spray And Cleaner Product
We recommend using an apple cider vinegar spray to help repel flies and pests. While some flies are attracted to vinegar, you can use apple cider vinegar and a combination of alcohol and essential oils to make your own cleaner and repellent.
Combine a half cup of apple cider vinegar and a half cup of rubbing alcohol or vodka. For extra pest repelling power, combine five to ten drops of the essential oil of your choice. If you wish to kill flies on contact using this spray, you can also add a few drops of liquid dish soap.
Our Best Tips For Preventing Flies In The Future
Managing flies takes a proactive approach and year-round pest control.
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a magic fly swatter that will help get rid of flies altogether. These pests are simply a part of life. The good news is that there are a few tips and tricks you can use to help manage flies and keep them under control.
Store Garbage Properly
Many common flies are especially attracted to decaying organic matter, and this generally includes human foods like decaying meats, fruits, vegetables, and other waste we tend to toss. One of the best ways to prevent flies is to ensure you are storing garbage properly.
Keep garbage in garbage bins that seal shut and consider spraying them with peppermint oil or ammonia to help mask any odors of waste while you’re waiting for the garbage truck.
We also suggest storing bins in the garage or in a storage area that is enclosed to help keep flies from swarming around your property.
Clean Up Pet Waste
Flies are also attracted to pet waste that can build up in your backyard. To reduce the population of flies around your home, clean up pet waste in your back yard consistently. It’s also important to clean up pet runs.
Remove Any Excess Water Sources
Many species of flies are attracted to excess water sources, but mosquitoes are especially attractive to stagnant water sources.
This could include water sources like birdbaths, children’s pools, overturned buckets, and more.
Harvest Ripe Vegetables and Fruits from Your Garden
Ripe vegetables or fruits from your outdoor garden could be an attractant to a number of pests, including flies. This is especially true if fruits and vegetables become overly ripe.
Harvest these fruits and vegetables as they become ready and refrain from allowing them to sit in your garden and rot over time.
Keep Up With Routine Landscaping
Routine landscaping can help control a variety of pests including flies, ants, spiders, rodents, and more. It can also help you keep an eye out for decaying organic matter that might attract flies.
Invite The Predators
Flies have many predators, and you can use this to your advantage by inviting these predators to your yard or garden to help control the fly population.
Some of the best fly predators include:
- Bats
- Frogs
- Lizards
- Birds
- And Fish
Plant Fly-Repellent Plants
If you’d prefer not to invite the fly predators but would like to instead use repellent plants alongside the best fly swatter to repel flies, then you’re in luck.
There is a long list of fly repellent plants you can strategically plant in your garden to repel pests, including:
- Lavender
- Basil
- Floss Flowers
- Lemon Thyme
- Marigolds
- Petunias
- Garlic
- Peppermint
- Rosemary
- Pitcher Plant
- And Sage
Use A Pest Control Product You Trust Year-Round
Last but not least, it’s always a good idea to use a year-round form of pest control that you trust. Whether you opt to use chemical pest control remedies, home remedies, organic remedies, or a combination of all three, the important thing is that you are proactive in keeping pests like flies under control.
Best of luck and thanks for reading!
Jack founded our blog after two decades of working in the pest control industry. His vast experience dealing with a wide array of pests allows him to diagnose issues quickly and get to the heart of pest problems quickly and effectively. He has serviced more than 2,000 homes over his career and there is hardly any pest situation that he has not seen before.