Tiny Black Bugs in Bed Not Bed Bugs – What Are These Annoying Pests? 

Tiny black bugs are a common pest in many homes, especially during the summer months. They can be found all over the house, but they seem to prefer hiding out in closets, cabinets, and under furniture. You may even discover tiny black bugs in bed situations, which can be especially unnerving.

Some people may mistake tiny black bugs in bed for bed bugs, and while bed bugs can be a common culprit for bugs in the bed, this is not always the case.

So, if you’ve discovered tiny black bugs in bed issues, don’t panic. You may not be dealing with bed bugs and getting rid of them could be much easier than you think.

In today’s article, we are talking about tiny black bugs in bed that are not bed bugs. But before we begin, let’s be sure we can first cross bed bugs off your list by going over a brief description of these common pests.

Keep reading.

Tiny Black Bugs In Bed Not Bed Bugs – But Are You Sure?

1 a magnyfing glass
There are many types of tiny black bugs you could be dealing with.

Bed bugs are small, flat, parasitic insects that feed solely on the blood of humans and animals. They have a flattened body, small legs, and long antennae. Adult bed bugs are about 1/4 inch long and reddish-brown in color. Immature bed bugs (nymphs) resemble adults and grow to about 1/5 inch long.

Bed bugs are usually transported from place to place via human travel. Although they can be found worldwide, they are not common in every part of the world or even every home or building. Still, these pests are quite common and are becoming a growing pest problem in the United States.

So, if you have tiny black bugs in bed, let’s make sure you’re not dealing with bed bugs after all.

What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

As we mentioned above, adult bed bugs have flattened bodies, small legs, and long antennae. They range from 4-7mm in length (1/4″ to 1/3″) and are brown in color. Immature bed bugs (nymphs) resemble the adult but are smaller and translucent. Bedbugs are wingless and do not fly.

The eggs of bed bugs are white when first laid but turn yellowish later on before hatching. There may be 3 to 5 eggs per egg case which is glued to a surface by an adhesive secretion produced by the female bed bug when laying her eggs.

Common Signs Of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs leave behind telltale signs that set them apart from other tiny black bugs in bed. One of the first signs of bed bugs is their bites. Luckily, bed bugs are not known to transmit disease through their bites, although these bites can be itchy and annoying. Furthermore, bed bug bites can often be mistaken for mosquito bites or allergies. They cause itchy, red welts or bumps on the skin.

However, you can tell if you have bed bugs if you go to sleep without any signs of bites on your skin and wake up with a cluster of bites in three around your arms, stomach, back, or chest.

You should also check your mattress and box spring for signs of bed bugs such as dark spots or tiny fecal spots on sheets or mattresses and live bugs crawling around at night when the lights are off. If you see any signs of bed bug infestation, you should take action to get rid of these pests using a combination of home remedies, store-bought products, and professional assistance.

But what if you’re not dealing with bed bugs? What are these tiny black bugs in bed? Let’s find out.

Tiny Black Bugs In Bed – How To Identify What You’re Dealing With

1 ants against yellow
Identifying what you’re dealing with is important to follow the right steps for pest control.

Tiny black bugs in bed can be a very annoying problem. Not only can it cause stress and anxiety, but it can lead to sleepless nights and concern about health and hygiene around your home.

If you have this problem, you will want to know what kind of bug you are dealing with and what you can do about it. Here are some tips on identifying your tiny black bugs in bed so you can get rid of them properly:

First, identify the pest you are dealing with

There are many different kinds of tiny black bugs in bed pests that could be causing you problems. While the most common types of tiny black bugs in bed are bed bugs, we have already ruled those out as the culprit. But because there are several different types of pests that could be your tiny black bugs in bed, identification of what the pest is could be tricky. Still, it’s very important to identify exactly what you’re dealing with so you can use the right products and methods to get rid of them effectively.

If you’re not sure which tiny black bugs in bed you’re dealing with, scroll down to our list of common pests that could be the culprits.

Next, look into the best products and methods for pest removal

The best method for removing your tiny black bugs in bed problems depends on what kind of bug you have, as we mentioned above. Once you know for sure what you are dealing with, you can find products that work specifically for the pest that’s causing the problem.

With that said, we do recommend looking for products that also specify they are safe for use indoors and in rooms where people sleep or eat. Remember, you are going to be using products to remove tiny black bugs in bed issues, so you’ll want to invest in a few products that are not only effective but safe to use around yourself and your family.

We will list a few products we recommend further down for you to consider.

Finally, take steps to prevent the tiny black bugs in bed from returning

Once you have managed to get rid of tiny black bugs in bed, it’s very important to take steps to prevent them from returning. Keep in mind that different types of pests are attracted to different things, so this is another reason why knowing which types of tiny black bugs in bed you’re dealing with is so important.

Keeping your home clean and tidy overall can help prevent most types of tiny black bugs in bed, as can consistent vacuuming, avoiding leaving garbage in the garbage bin for too long, refraining from eating in your bedroom, washing your sheets often, and keeping windows sealed with proper fitting screens.

So, now that you know how to go about identifying and removing tiny black bugs in bed, let’s talk about which tiny black bugs in bed you really might be dealing with.


3 a flea
Fleas are dangerous to both people and pets.

If you’re dealing with tiny black bugs in bed, one of the most common pests next to bed bugs could be fleas.

Fleas belong to the insect order Siphonaptera. There are more than 2,500 species worldwide with about 300 species in North America. The common cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) is one of the most common species found in homes and can also be found on dogs and even people.

Fleas may not seem like much of a threat, but they can cause serious problems for both your and your pet’s health if left untreated. Flea bites can lead to anemia (low red blood cell count) in pets due to loss of blood. Other side effects include allergies, dermatitis (skin irritation), anemia, tapeworms, and even some serious diseases like typhus.

But how did fleas become your tiny black bugs in bed? The most common way fleas get into your bed is by transfer from your pets. Unprotected pets can pick fleas up from outside and bring them into the home, where fleas then fall off around the house on furniture, carpeting, and even in your bed.

The best way to get rid of fleas in your bed is by using a natural diatomaceous earth powder. This powder contains food-grade diatomaceous earth which is a fossilized algae with sharp edges that kill fleas by cutting through their exoskeleton. The powder also works great at killing bed bugs as well as ticks!


4 ants on a sheet
Ants are not dangerous but they can cause a lot of annoyance if they get into your bed.

Ants are insects that can be found all over the world. There are more than 12,000 species of ants in the world and more than 1,000 species in North America alone. Ants live in colonies and have a social hierarchy with a queen, workers, and soldiers.

Ants can be found inside homes, particularly in warm weather. They can live in attics, basements, and crawl spaces. They also like to nest near food sources such as kitchens and pantries. If you notice small black bugs crawling on your bed, there is a good chance that you have an ant infestation in your home that has branched off into your bedroom.

Most ants present no danger to humans unless they bite or sting in large numbers and unless you are allergic to them.

Ants are attracted to sweet foods and moisture, so they’re likely to be drawn to any food spills or liquids on your nightstand or bedside table. If you have a water source nearby — such as a leaky faucet — it can also attract these insects.

The best way to get rid of these tiny black bugs in bed Remove food sources from around the bed and in the bedroom. This includes trash cans and pet food dishes. Store food in sealed containers and keep food scraps picked up from floors.

Repair leaks or other moisture problems in walls, floors or foundations near your bed and bedroom. Moisture is an attractant for ants and can lead them into your home around doors or windows.

Minute Brown Scavenger Beetles

5 A beetle facing the camera
Minute brown scavenger beetles are also known as fungus beetles.

Minute Brown Scavenger Beetles are tiny, brown, wingless insects that usually live outdoors in leaf litter and decaying vegetation. They are scavengers, eating dead plants and animals. These beetles are not known to bite or sting humans, but they might cause allergic reactions in people with a serious sensitivity to insect stings.

These pests could also be the cause of your tiny black bugs in bed issues. Minute Brown Scavenger Beetles may also feed on bedding, especially cotton and linen, but they also eat wool, fur, feathers, and hair. If you have these tiny black bugs in bed, they will feed on dead skin cells that flake off as you sleep.

These pests are also called scavenger beetles because they clean up dead bodies of other insects, such as cockroaches or flies that might die in your house or apartment.

These tiny black bugs in bed may also live in other areas of your home that are dark and damp. You can find them in attics, basements, and crawl spaces where there is mold growing on wood or paper products. You may also find them under leaky pipes where condensation has formed over time.

The best way to get rid of these tiny black bugs in bed is to keep your room and home tidy. Remove any excess moisture and wash your sheets often. It’s also important to use other common forms of pest control that are safe for indoor use as minute brown scavenger beetles eat other types of bugs, so other pests could also be part of what has attracted them to your home.

Spider Beetles

6 a spider beetle
Spider beetles look like spiders but they are instead beetles.

Spider beetles are small, shiny black insects that have flattened bodies. They are often found indoors and usually live together in large groups. They feed on dead insects and other organic matter.

Spider beetles can be found in homes in large numbers, especially during the spring and summer months. They are attracted to lights at night and they often come inside when it is warm outside. It is not unusual to find them on the walls or ceilings of your home, particularly near windows. If you’re dealing with tiny black bugs in bed, it’s not uncommon that these pests could be spider beetles.

Spider beetles feed on organic matter such as rotting wood, dead insects, paper products, and other organic materials. They can damage clothing and furniture if they infest these items, and they can cause issues with your bedding and bedroom furniture as well. Spider beetles can also bite humans; however, this is rare and the bites are not considered dangerous.

If you have found these bugs in your bedroom, there is no need to panic. They are not dangerous, as we mentioned, but these tiny black bugs in bed can be destructive. Most common pesticides and insecticides can work to get rid of these tiny black bugs in bed. If you have a severe infestation, however, you may need to contact a professional pest control expert for help.


7 a tick on a hand
Ticks can be deadly and spread serious diseases.

Ticks are small arachnids (related to spiders, mites, and scorpions) that feed on the blood of animals and humans. They often live in wooded areas, but can be found in other environments as well, including inside your home and even in your bedroom.

If you do find these tiny black bugs in bed, you’re luckily not likely dealing with an infestation. It’s likely that you may have picked up a tick when outdoors or that your pet picked up a tick from outdoors and transferred it to your bed.

With that said, ticks can be very dangerous. Tick bites can cause a variety of symptoms in humans depending on the species of tick and its location on the body when it bites. Some ticks spread diseases such as Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever, while others do not transmit any pathogens at all.

If you find a tick in your bed and it is engorged, it has likely just finished feeding on you or your pet. Remove the tick from your bed and then wash your sheets immediately. Check yourself and your pet for any signs of other ticks or any signs of a tick bite, then monitor yourself and your pet for symptoms of potential illness.

If a tick is still latched onto you or your pet, you can often remove the pest carefully with tweezers. To remove a tick with tweezers, grasp the tick as close to its mouthparts as possible. Pull firmly and steadily in one motion until all parts of the tick have been removed from your skin. If you’re using a tick removal tool, place the hook part directly on top of the tick’s head and pull back on the handle until it removes the entire tick from your skin.

Carpet Beetles

8 a carpet beetle
Carpet beetles can cause damage to fibers and fabrics.

Other types of tiny black bugs in bed culprits could be carpet beetles. Carpet Beetles are small, hard-shelled beetles that are typically black or dark brown in color. They are also called Varied Carpet Beetles and Black Carpet Beetles.

Carpet beetles can be found throughout the world, but they are most common in areas with high humidity, such as basements and attics. They can also be found in other parts of a home, such as closets and bedrooms.

The adult beetles feed on pollen, plant oils, and dander from animal skin. They lay their eggs on food sources like dead insects, flour, dried pet food, and other products made from animal byproducts. They also feed on dander, skin scales, hair, pet hair, and dead insects as well as natural fibers like wool, silk, and fur.

The larvae feed on these materials as well as wool carpets and clothing made from animal hair, including fur coats and wool blankets. Are these your tiny black bugs in bed?

Carpet beetles usually get into homes through cracks or openings around windows or doors during warm months when it is warmer outside than inside buildings. They lay their eggs just beneath the surface of whatever they’re infesting, including fabrics like wool carpets, furs, stuffed animals, upholstered furniture, dried flowers, and more.

The best way to get rid of these tiny black bugs in bed is to keep your home clean and tidy. Vacuum often to remove any potential eggs you won’t see laid in carpets and wash your sheets often.

Store your food products, especially grain, in airtight containers, and avoid eating in your bedroom or leaving food in the garbage bin. It’s also a good idea to use a form of pest control or pest prevention year-round to prevent these tiny black bugs in bed.


9 a diagraam of booklice
Booklice are small insects that feed on fibers, paper, and other organic matter.

Booklice are tiny, wingless insects that feed on organic matter. They are usually found in dark and moist conditions like libraries, bookstores, and museums.

Booklice feed on book bindings, carpets, upholstery, and other fabrics. They tend to live in groups of two to five insects per square foot of space.

Booklice are not dangerous to humans or animals. However, they do damage objects such as books and fabrics by chewing through the bindings and creating white spots on the surfaces of what they feed on.

Booklice are tiny insects that live in your books. These tiny black bugs in bed culprits have six legs and may be brown, black, or gray. They are very small, measuring about 1/16 inch long. They are wingless and don’t fly around, so they can only move short distances. The adult book louse is oval-shaped with a segmented body covered in scales or hairs.

You can prevent these tiny black bugs in bed by keeping the area around your bed and bedroom dry and clean. You can also get rid of them by cleaning or removing infested books or fabrics around your room. Clean out drawers where books or papers are stored, and vacuum surfaces often as booklice tend to lay their eggs on flat surfaces.


10 cockroach
Cockroaches can be serious pests if they get into your home.

When you think of tiny black bugs in bed, you may not be aware that roaches could be the culprits. Though many roaches prefer to live in areas like bathrooms and kitchens, they can also be found in bedrooms. This is especially true of roach nymphs which are very tiny but still resemble roach adults.

Unfortunately, roaches are not only a common pest in homes, but they are also known to carry diseases and leave a bad odor behind. They can even cause allergies to worsen in people with sensitivities.

If you think your tiny black bugs in bed are caused by roaches, there are several ways you can go about getting rid of them.

Roaches love warmth and humidity, so areas with poor ventilation or excess moisture are especially attractive to these tiny black bugs in bed. They also enjoy a variety of foods, so if you eat in your bedroom you could be accidentally attracting these pests.

With that said, roaches will also infest areas of the home that have little to do with food or water. They thrive in dark corners and under furniture, so if you see small black bugs running around at night, it’s time to start looking for ways to get rid of these pests.

The best way to get rid of these tiny black bugs in bed is to make sure you remove potential food sources like pet food or leftover food. Don’t leave garbage piled up in your bedroom trash can and make sure you remove excess sources of water that could attract these pests as well.

Last, be sure you’re cleaning your room often, paying special attention to corners and dark spaces below the furniture, in closets, and under beds.

How To Get Rid Of Tiny Black Bugs In Bed

11 diatomaceous earth
Diatomaceous earth is a natural product you can use to get rid of bugs in the bed and home.

If you are looking for a way to get rid of tiny black bugs in bed, you want to make sure that you choose the right products. There are many different kinds of products available, but not all of them work equally and not all of them are safe to use against pests in the bedroom.

Below are some of our top picks for best products you can use against tiny black bugs in bed issues.

Harris Crawling Insect Killer Diatomaceous Earth

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Harris Crawling Insect Killer Diatomaceous Earth is a natural, non-toxic insect killer. It works by piercing the exoskeleton of insects and dehydrating them from the inside out. This product can be used to get rid of tiny black bugs in bed, as well as fleas, ticks, and other pests that are found around your home or on your pets.

Diatomaceous earth can be used to kill insects and other crawling pests in your home. It works by cutting open the exoskeleton of these pests, causing them to dry out and die. Harris Crawling Insect Killer Diatomaceous Earth can be used as an insecticide for cracks and crevices in walls, under sinks and stoves, behind refrigerators and freezers, around air ducts and pipes, inside closets where pests may hide, or anywhere else you have seen evidence of pests including around your bed or bedroom.

Ortho Home Defense Max Indoor Insect Barrier

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Ortho Home Defense Max Indoor Insect Barrier is a product designed to get rid of tiny black bugs in bed. It is an insecticide that contains Permethrin, which can be used on carpets, upholstery, and other materials. It acts as a residual insecticide that can keep killing pests for up to six months after application.

The product works by emitting an odor that repels insects like bed bugs. When applied directly to the mattress and box spring, it will keep any pests away from you while you sleep. It also helps prevent them from getting inside your home in the first place by keeping them out of their favorite hiding places around your room.

Premo Guard Mite Killer Spray

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Premo Guard Mite Killer Spray is a non-toxic spray that kills mites, fleas, ticks, lice, and other tiny black bugs in bed culprits. This product can be used to treat bedding, carpets, clothing, furniture, and floors in your home. It works by breaking down the cell membrane of insects so they cannot breathe. The active ingredient in Premo Guard Mite Killer Spray is Permethrin SFR which comes from chrysanthemum flowers.

Tiny Black Bugs In Bed – Our Final Thoughts

12 a bedroom
Keeping bugs out of your bed and out of your bedroom means adopting good habits.

Your bedroom is supposed to be your sanctuary, the place where you go to relax and unwind after a long day. Unfortunately, if you have tiny black bugs in bed, it can be anything but relaxing.

The good news is that there are several things you can do to get rid of tiny black bugs in bed for good. Here are a few ways to take care of this problem:

Keep your home clean and tidy. If you have clutter or dirt around your home, it’s going to attract insects like tiny black bugs. Remove any excess debris or clutter from your living space as soon as possible. You should also avoid eating in your bedroom, as this will help prevent food spills that could attract unwanted visitors.

Make sure you store food properly, including pet food and birdseed. It’s also a good idea to use a form of pest control year-round inside your home that is safe to use indoors and safe to use around people and pets, especially if you have children.

Last, consider contacting a professional if tiny black bugs in bed problems continue or if they seem to get worse.

And there you have it – the tiny black bugs in bed culprits that you could be dealing with. So, which of the above tiny black bugs in bed pests do you think you’re battling? Tell us below in the comments.

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