Vole Vs Mouse – How To Tell The Difference And How To Manage Each 

Are you noticing signs of rodent activity in your yard? This can be alarming, especially considering there are so many different types of rodents you might be contending with.

When it comes to small rodents, a vole vs mouse problem can be difficult to distinguish.

This is because voles and mice are often mistaken for each other, though they are actually two different types of rodents. While voles and mice do look similar, they have some distinct differences that you can use to tell them apart.

So, how can you tell a vole vs mouse? That’s what we’re here to help you with. Let’s get started!

What Is A Vole?

1 a vole in leaves
Voles are small rodents that are commonly mistaken for mice.

Voles are small, short-bodied rodents that belong to the order Rodentia. They are similar in size and shape to a mouse, and when looking into a vole vs mouse, this is probably why the two are so commonly mistaken for one another.

Voles are small rodents that live in the forest. They are typically between 2 and 5 inches long, with short tails and large ears. They have gray fur on their backs and white fur on their stomachs. Voles are omnivores, eating both plants and small animals.

They prefer to live in areas with a lot of vegetation, such as forests, meadows, or woodlands. They also prefer areas with soft soil, where they can dig tunnels to live in. The tunnels voles use are not just for sleeping; voles use them to escape predators and hide from the cold.

As many as 23 species of voles inhabit the United States. The most common species in North America include the Prairie Vole, the Meadow Vole, and the Long-Tailed Vole.

The Prairie Vole – The short-tailed meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) is a common species of vole found in North America. It ranges from Alaska southward into Mexico and Canada, where it lives in grassy areas near streams, lakes and marshes. It feeds on plant material as well as insects such as ants and termites. In some places it is known as a field mouse or meadow mouse; however, it does not belong to the true mice family (Muridae). Prairie voles have a grayish-brown body color with long tails and large ears. They can weigh anywhere from 20 to 35 grams (0.7 to 1.2 ounces). The prairie vole lives about two years in the wild, but they can live up to four years in captivity.

The Meadow Vole – The meadow vole is another type of rodent that lives in North America you may be considering when looking into a vole vs mouse. This vole belongs to the Microtus genus as well as many other species within this group of animals. The meadow vole has a grayish-brown body color with short tails and small ears compared to other voles in its genus. It can weigh anywhere from 15 to 25 grams (0.5 to 0.9 ounces). The meadow vole lives about one year in the wild, but they can live up to two years in captivity.

And The Long-Tailed Vole – The long-tailed vole (Microtus longicaudus) is a small rodent native to North America. It is found across the continent, from southern Canada and the United States south through Mexico. It is one of the most common voles in North America and feeds on grasses, legumes, and roots. The long-tailed vole lives in underground burrows with multiple entrances and exits. The burrows are usually located on hillsides or in banks where they are more protected from predators than they would be if they were located in open areas such as meadows or fields.

What Is A Mouse?

2 a mouse on a stick
Mice are small rodents that are common pests in US homes.

Mice are rodents that belong to the family Muridae. They are the most common type of mammal on the planet and one of the most problematic when it comes to home-invading pests. There are currently about 2,000 known species of mice, which is more than any other mammal family. Mice can be found in virtually all parts of the world, and they have a wide range of sizes and shapes.

Mice have small heads with soft bodies, long tails, and large ears. They have sharp front teeth that are used for gnawing. Their eyes are very sensitive to light, so they prefer living in dark places that provide them shelter and safety from predators.

Mice prefer to live in dark places where they can easily find food and shelter. An average house mouse can fit through a hole that is just 5 mm (0.2 inches) wide! They are also excellent climbers and swimmers so you may see them climbing up walls or swimming in your pool when there is no other way out.

There are about eight rodent species that live in the United States, but the most common and the most problematic you may be dealing with include the house mouse, the Western Harvest Mouse, the White Footed Mouse, and the Deer Mouse.

The House Mouse – This is one of the most common and widespread pests in the United States. It has a long tail and large ears. Its color varies from gray to brownish-gray on its upper parts, with paler underparts. The tail is uniformly colored and there is a black spot located behind each ear. The House Mouse can be found in all parts of the US but prefers warmer climates. In colder regions, it will seek shelter inside buildings or other heated structures during the winter months.

The Western Harvest Mouse – The Western Harvest Mouse is a small mouse with a grayish body and white belly, with a dark stripe along the side. It has large ears, big eyes, and a long tail. They weigh about 11 grams and can measure up to 7 inches long. The Western Harvest Mice are found in grasslands throughout North America, from southern Canada to northern Mexico. They eat seeds, grains, insects, and spiders. If you’re looking at a vole vs mouse, it could be easy to confuse a Western Harvest Mouse with a vole. Both of these animals live outdoors and in similar habitats.

The White-Footed Mouse – The White-Footed Mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) is a small, fast-running rodent indigenous to North America. It is the most common species of deer mouse. It has a slender body with a short tail, weighing an average of 11 grams (0.4 oz). Its fur is grayish brown on its back and whitish or light gray on its underside. The tail can be darker in color than the rest of the body. Its ears are large and black with short hairs that form tufts at the tips when stretched out straight. It has large eyes with dark irises and white pupils surrounded by black rings.

The Deer Mouse – The Deer Mouse is one of the most widely distributed species of mice in North America, ranging from Alaska to northern Mexico. This mouse can be found in a variety of habitats, including grasslands, forests, and deserts. It is also very adaptable and can live both inside and outside homes. The deer mouse has adapted especially well to human environments, and it has evolved to become larger than its cousin the house mouse. The deer mouse has a body length between 5 and 7 inches long with a tail length between 3 and 4 inches long. The tail is usually gray or brown with a white underside. The ears are small and rounded at the tips.

A Vole Vs Mouse – Different Signs Of Different Pests

3 a vole eating a worm
4 a mouse on asphalt
A vole vs mole can look similar, but side by side you can see the obvious differences.

Telling the difference between a vole vs mouse can be tricky. Both of these species are small rodents with very similar appearances, habits, and habitats.

Furthermore, both voles and mice are rodents that are often found in homes and other buildings. They can cause damage to property, contaminate food sources, and even spread disease. Treating a vole vs mouse problem could come with some complications if you’re not sure which pest you’re treating. However, there are some differences between voles and mice that help to distinguish them from one another.

Here are some of the key differences between a vole vs mouse:

Size: Mice are smaller than voles, with a size range of 0.5 to 1.5 inches long. Voles are larger than mice, with a size range of 2 to 5 inches long. They have larger body shapes than mice do as well. In fact, voles are more similar in shape to rats.

Shape: The shape of a vole vs mouse head is different too. Mice have longer snouts with larger ears than voles do, while a vole’s head shape is more similar to a rats‘. The tails of a vole vs mouse also differ. Voles have shorter tails that look like a rat’s tail while mice have thinner, longer tails.

Ears And Eyes: Ears are another important feature for distinguishing between a vole vs mole. Mice tend to have larger eyes and ears than their mole counterparts. Furthermore, mouse ears are bald while vole ears tend not to extend past their furry heads.

Another way to tell the difference between a vole vs mouse is to have a good understanding of the signs of these pests in your yard. Let’s take a look.


Signs Of A Vole In Your Yard

Voles can be very destructive in your yard. They are known to chew on plants, dig burrows and even tear up your lawn. The signs of a vole infestation are easy to spot if you know what to look for.

Voles live underground and build their homes there as well. They can be found in yards, gardens, and other areas where there is grass or plants for them to live on. If you see small holes in the ground that look like they were made by rodents, then it is likely that voles are living nearby.

These holes can be found in plants or shrubs that have been damaged by voles chewing on them. This may look like the leaves or stems have been bitten off, or the stems may be bent over and damaged by the weight of the voles sitting on them while they eat. If you notice this happening near any plant, it is likely that voles are living nearby and will continue to damage your plants until they are removed from the area.

Signs Of A Mouse In Your Yard

Mice are nocturnal and prefer dark spaces to eat and sleep. Mice can be problematic in yards and gardens, but they most commonly become a nuisance when they get into your home. If you have a small rodent in your home and are wondering if it is a vole vs mouse, chances are you are dealing with a mouse.

Look for signs of mice in your attic or garage where they can hide during the day. Mice are known to leave droppings and gnaw marks on wood structures that they come in contact with. These signs can be found around buildings, structures and other areas where mice live or frequent.

Keep in mind that mice can fit through an opening as small as a nickel, so if you find holes in walls or ceilings, check for mice indoors and then begin sealing up the holes to keep more from coming around.

How To Get Rid Of Voles

5 a side view of a vole
Voles can cause damage to yards and gardens by digging holes.

When it comes to a vole vs mouse, we now know that both are destructive. Voles in particular can dig burrows in lawns and flower beds, which can cause severe damage to your plants. Vole burrows can also undermine the stability of your home’s foundation. Getting rid of voles is important because they can also carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans and pets.

When it comes to getting rid of voles, there are a few steps you can take and products you can use.

First, make sure to remove potential food sources. Voles eat seeds, nuts, and bulbs from plants. They also eat pet food left outside overnight and garbage left on the ground. Also, avoid putting your garbage cans out too early before pickup day and consider investing in covered garbage bins.

Remove coverings from around your home’s foundation. Voles like to make their homes under piles of wood chips or leaves that have collected near your foundation. Remove these materials so they don’t provide shelter for voles and can encourage them to stick around.

Clear out brush near your home’s perimeter by cutting back tree branches or bushes that may provide shelter for moles or protection from predators. You can also invest in a few of the recommended products for vole removal below.

Nature’s Mace Mole And Vole Repellent

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Nature’s Mace Mole And Vole Repellent is a product that you can use to get rid of both voles and moles. It is made from all-natural ingredients, so it is safe for you and your family, as well as the environment.

The product is a spray that is created from all-natural ingredients that repel voles and moles. It has been formulated by an entomologist to be able to safely keep your lawn free from these pests without harming them or the environment.

The main ingredient in the rodent repellent is castor oil, which comes from a plant called Ricinus communis. Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, which gives off an odor that insects don’t like. When you spray this on your lawn, it creates an unpleasant smell that keeps these animals away.

Phosooy Solar Vole Repellent Stakes

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Phosooy Solar Vole Repellent Stakes are made out of aluminum and are designed to be placed in the ground. The stakes have solar panels on top that can be used to power LED lights or other devices. The main purpose of these stakes is to repel voles, but they can also work against moles and other rodents and pests.

Phosooy Solar Vole Repellent Stakes is a safe and humane way to get rid of voles. The stakes emit an ultrasonic sound that is annoying to voles but unnoticeable to humans.

They are easy to install and require no maintenance or power source. They are designed with a small solar panel that absorbs sunlight during the day and converts it into energy to power the stake at night.

I Must Garden Mole & Vole Repellent

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​​I Must Garden Mole & Vole Repellent is an all-natural and organic way to get rid of voles. This repellent works great for moles, gophers, and voles. The smell of this product is very strong and unpleasant for pests, but not harmful to children or pets. It comes in a concentrated form that allows you to mix it up with water and spray it directly on the area where you have seen signs of your pest.

This product is made from 100% natural ingredients including peppermint oil, lemongrass oil, clove oil, and cedar. The product works quickly to repel voles when used as directed. Just spray it on the ground around your plants every few days and you’ll see results within a week.

Wanqueen Reusable Vole Trap

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Wanqueen Reusable Vole Trap is a specific tool for catching voles in your yard. It can be used in any terrain, whether you are in the garden or lawn. This tool is very simple to use and has been proven to be effective by many users. The trap uses a special bait that attracts voles, which are then killed humanely when they try to access the bait.

Wanqueen Reusable Vole Trap has been designed with an adjustable latch so that you can easily adjust the size of your trap according to the size of your problem area. You just need to adjust it so that it fits correctly on top of your lawn or garden area where you have noticed signs of vole activity taking place.

Vole-X Eco-Friendly Vole Killer Bait

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Vole-X is a new and innovative product for getting rid of voles. Vole-X is an eco-friendly and humane way to get rid of pesky critters. You can use it in your garden or on your lawn, or even in your yard, garden and landscaping.

The main attraction in Vole-X is peanut butter. When voles eat peanut butter, they can’t produce certain enzymes needed to digest food properly, which leads to death within a few days.

How To Get Rid Of Mice

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Mice can be tricky to get rid of because they are such prolific reproducers.

Identifying a vole vs mouse can be difficult, but remember that mice are the most common culprits for causing problems inside your home, garden shed, or building.

Mice infestations can be difficult to control because these pests reproduce quickly. If you have a mouse problem, it is important to take action as soon as possible. The best way to get rid of mice is by using a combination of traps, repellents, and poisons.

To prevent mice from getting inside your home, try removing all of their favorite foods. Clean up spilled crumbs around your house daily and keep all pantry doors closed at night. You might also want to consider purchasing rodent traps for inside your home as well.

It’s also a good idea to remove clutter around your home, as this reduces hiding places for rodents and other pests that may enter into your space. Keep food stored properly in airtight containers in pantries and don’t leave dirty dishes in your sink overnight. Last, be sure you don’t leave pet food out, and store bird seed and other animal foods in a proper storage bin that is sealed.

Along with taking these steps to get rid of mice, you can also use some of the recommended products we listed below for you to consider.

Dos Veces Ultrasonic Pest Repeller

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Dos Veces Ultrasonic Pest Repeller is a device that emits ultrasonic sound waves to keep pests away. The device has been tested and proven effective in repelling mice, rats, cockroaches, flies, ants, mosquitoes, and other insects.

Dos Veces Ultrasonic Pest Repeller is a device that emits ultrasonic sound waves to keep pests away. The device has been tested and proven effective in repelling mice, rats, cockroaches, flies, ants, mosquitoes, and other insects.

Rodent Sheriff Pest Control

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Rodent Sheriff Pest Control is a natural, non-toxic way to get rid of mice and rats. It uses a combination of natural ingredients including peppermint oil to repel rodents, regardless of if you are dealing with a vole vs mouse.

We like that this is a patented formula that works to get rid of mice and is made from natural ingredients and has no harmful side effects on humans or pets. The formula is designed to be used in homes, apartments, and commercial buildings where mice have been spotted.

The spray is an odorless spray that works to repel the mice without leaving any toxic residue behind. It can be used inside or outside the home as needed.

Feeke Mouse Traps

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The Feeke Mouse Traps is a humane and safe way to get rid of mice. The trap works by attracting mice with the smell of peanut butter and then when they enter the trap, they cannot get out and it kills them.

Feeke Mouse Traps are made from materials that can be easily cleaned and reused. They have a spring-loaded door that is triggered when the mouse enters the trap.

The bait is placed in front of this door so that as soon as the mouse jumps on top of it, the door will close automatically and kill them instantly.

A Vole Vs Mouse – What’s Worse And How To Manage Them?

7 a vole in a den
Voles and moles can be difficult to get rid of, but mice are generally considered more difficult to get rid of than voles.

When it comes to determining if you are dealing with a vole vs mouse, you may be wondering which one is worse?

Before we talk about which is worse, we should first point out that both a vole vs mouse plays their role in a healthy ecosystem.

Voles, for example, are an important part of the ecosystem because they help spread seeds and aerate the soil with their burrows. Still, in some areas, they are considered pests because they damage crops and lawns.

Mice are a type of rodent that may be seen as pests by many people. However, there are many benefits to having mice around your home. For example, mice eat many common pesky insects and other pests that can be harmful to humans and pets. This includes cockroaches, spiders, and fleas.

They also help pollinate plants, which helps them grow more fruit or vegetables! Mice are also beneficial decomposers, consuming garbage and waste.

Of course, if a vole vs mouse gets into your home or garden, you’re probably not going to be thinking they’re very pleasant or beneficial. And this could be especially true if you end up dealing with a mouse infestation.

While both a vole and vs mouse can be problematic, mice are generally considered the most problematic due to several factors. First, they are the most common pest American households deal with. They get into our food supply, spread a number of deadly illnesses, and can destroy our homes with a buildup of waste, dead rodent smell, and by gnawing on wood or wires.

Mice are also quick to reproduce, meaning a single pregnant mouse can lead to an infestation in your home if you’re not careful.

The good news is that there are plenty of ways to manage a vole vs mouse problem by following the tips and investing in the products listed above in this article.

We hope this has been a helpful guide on how to identify a vole vs mouse issue on your property. Now we want to hear from you. What are you dealing with? Do you think you’re encountering a vole or a mouse? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

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