We all know that a swimming pool is a great place to relax and enjoy time with friends and family. However, if your pool is infested with pool mites, it can be a nightmare. These tiny bugs may be very hard to see and they may not only be a nuisance, but they can even cause considerable damage to your pool if left untreated.
Are you dealing with pool mites? We’re here to help. In today’s article, we are talking about what pool mites are, how to identify them, and different steps, methods, and products you can use to get rid of these annoying pests.
What Are Pool Mites
Keeping your pool clean is important to keeping pool mites at bay.
The term “mites” is often applied to a wide variety of tiny arthropods, almost all of which are not actually mites. Mites are primarily found in the class Arachnida (which also includes spiders), and they have eight legs, two body regions, and no antennae. They range in size from 0.1 mm to 100 mm (0.004 to 4 inches) long and are usually less than 5 mm (0.20 inches) wide. Most mites are microscopic, but some species do grow large enough to be seen with the naked eye.
Pool mites, on the other hand, are typically several different types of insects that can infest your pool, including but not limited to:
- Water Mites
- Boatman
- And Backswimmers
Depending on the species of pool mite or pool bug you’re dealing with, pool bugs can thrive and live in different types of environments. Oftentimes the life cycle of a pool bug or mite is around two to six weeks. This is about how long it takes for pool mites to hatch from an egg, grow into an adult, and then lay more eggs.
Most times, the pool mites will lay their eggs on the surface of the pool, where they hatch and become larvae. The larvae are known as nymphs and they go through three stages of development before becoming adults. These stages include nymph, pupa, and adult. The nymphs can often have six legs and look like small bugs with compound eyes, antennae, and mouth parts.
Pool mites can breed very quickly in warm environments, especially if there is a lot of organic matter in the pool water, such as algae and dead insects, or if there is not enough chlorine. If this is the case, pool mites may also be able to breed in hot tubs or spas.
What Are Some Common Signs Of Pool Mites In My Pool?
The most common signs of pool mites will vary depending on the species of pest you are dealing with. In order to identify pool mites, it helps to first identify the pest. The most common types of pool mites tend to be water mites, boatmen, and backswimmers.
What Are Water Mites?
Water mites are small creatures that are approximately 2mm in size. They have eight legs, two compound eyes, and two antennae. The body of these creatures is covered by a shell called a cuticle. This shell is made up of chitin which gives it the ability to survive in harsh environments. These creatures are found in lakes, streams, and other bodies of water across the world, but can also be found in swimming pools.
What Are Water Boatmen?
Water boatmen are sometimes confused for backswimmers, though they are smaller than the latter. They belong to the insect family Corixidae and are closely related to the leach. They are found in ponds, lakes, and streams as well as rivers throughout North America and Europe. These insects are brownish-black in color with a flat back and long antennae. They have large hind legs that allow them to walk on top of the water instead of swimming like other insects do when they fall into water bodies while they are searching for food or laying their eggs.
Water boatmen are true aquatic insects and they do not feed on people, animals, or even other insects. Instead, these pool pests feed on algae and plant matter, making them common in poorly maintained pools.
What Are Backswimmers?
Backswimmers are another type of aquatic insect that can be found in ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams. These small creatures are often mistaken for water boatmen. However, unlike water boatmen, backswimmers have two pairs of wings that fold over their bodies when they are not in use. They also have long antennae and a pair of eyes on their heads (which is what gives them their name).
Backswimmer larvae resemble very small tadpoles with no arms or legs; they swim by undulating their bodies from side to side. Adult backswimmers are about 1/4 inch long and look like tiny beetles or dragonflies without wings.
Why Do I Have Pool Mites In My Pool?
Backswimmers and other types of insects are often considered pool mites.
There are many reasons why you may have bugs in your pool. Typically, it’s because of one or more of the following issues:
Low levels of chlorine
When your swimming pool water is properly chlorinated, you don’t have to worry about bugs or other insects in the water. However, if you see an increase in the number of insects in your pool, it may be time to check your chlorine level.
Chlorine is the active ingredient in most common pool chemicals and acts as a disinfectant. It kills bacteria that cause odors and stains, but it also kills insects that end up in your swimming pool. If you don’t have enough chlorine in your water, you can expect to see insects buzzing around in your pool or floating on top of the water surface.
High pH levels
A high pH level means that there’s too much alkaline material in your water and not enough acidic material. This imbalance gives bacteria and algae an advantage over the chlorine levels in your pool. Bacteria feed off these nutrients and multiply rapidly, which causes both odors and stains on surfaces like tiles or grout lines.
Algae thrive under these conditions as well because they use up all available nutrients. Algae can be very attractive to different types of pool mites, leading to an uptick in these pests. If you want to get rid of algae without using harsh chemicals like copper sulfate, lowering your pH levels will help prevent future outbreaks of algae and therefore pests.
Algae growth in your pool
As we mentioned above, algae growth is another common reason for having pool mites in your swimming pool. Algae thrive on organic matter that builds up on surfaces like pool walls or water surfaces. When algae die off, it leaves behind food for other pests like mosquitoes and flies to feed on — meaning you’ll see more bugs and pests like pool mites hanging around when algae is present!
Poor circulation within the pool water
When there’s poor circulation within the water, dead spots develop where there’s no oxygen available to support life forms like algae or insects — which means they’ll find somewhere else to live (like near your filters!).
This is why having a good filter system is so important. If you have an in-ground pool, you should be able to easily see if it’s working properly by simply looking at the surface of the water. If it looks cloudy or hazy, then it’s time to clean the filter or call in a professional to help get rid of or prevent pool mites.
If you have an above-ground pool, it’s not quite as easy to tell if your pump and filter are working properly. However, if you notice that it takes longer than usual between cleaning cycles and/or if you notice that your cleaning cycles aren’t removing all of the debris from the water, then it might be time to call someone in for a check-up.
How Do I Get Rid Of Pool Mites?
Pool mites are most likely to infest poorly kept pools.
Most pool owners have had the experience of finding a few creatures in their pool that they don’t recognize. These bugs, sometimes called pool mites, can be anything from microscopic organisms to spiders. Whatever your types of pool mites are, they are not supposed to be in your pool. If you find any type of insect living in your swimming pool, it is important to know how to get rid of them before they get out of hand.
As we mentioned, often the most common pests found in swimming pools are pool mites and insects attracted to algae. Before you can get rid of these pests, however, you need to know what type of pest you are dealing with so that you can treat it properly.
Once you have discovered which types of pool mites you are dealing with, you can use some of the below common methods for how to get rid of pool mites.
Try using shock chlorination
Shock chlorination is a technique that kills pests and bacteria in your pool. It involves adding chlorine at double the recommended dose for 24 hours, then draining the water and refilling it with fresh water.
Mites will be killed by this process, but other organisms may also be affected — including algae and bacteria that contribute to swimming pool odors and pool mites. If you’re planning on shocking your pool, it’s worth adding an algaecide to kill mites before shocking it again just in case any survived the first round of treatment.
Use an algaecide
Algaecides are chemicals that kill algae spores as well as other microorganisms like bacteria and fungi that can cause swimming pool odors and pool mites. These types of products work best when used preventively to control algae growth before it becomes a problem rather than after it has already taken hold of your pool water.
There are many different types of algaecides on the market, so use one that is labeled for use in pools and spas. Follow the directions on the package for dosage rates and treatment frequency.
Invest In a quality pool filtration system
Last, one of the best ways to get rid of pool mites is to use a pool filtration system. This will keep the water clean and prevent it from getting cloudy, which can be caused by algae, bacteria, or other particles in the water.
Which Products Work Best For Getting Rid Of Pool Mites?
Chlorine shock systems can help eliminate pool mites.
There are many different types of products you can use to get rid of pool mites. Some are more effective than others, and some have more side effects than others.
If you’re wondering how to choose the best products to get rid of pool mites, you need to understand what kind of product works best for your particular situation. It’s important to do your research before buying any treatment so that you know what ingredients the product contains and how safe it is for you and your family.
Another factor to consider is whether the product works in both fresh and saltwater pools. Some products can only be used in salt water pools because they will clog filters and damage equipment if used in freshwater pools. Other products can be used in either type of pool and will not cause any harm to equipment or your pool itself.
Finally, you should look for products that are easy to use and apply directly into your pool water via a skimmer basket (if possible), or through an automatic chemical feeder system. Look for a system that dispenses chlorine into the water at regular intervals throughout the day or night depending on what time you go swimming most often and how much time you spend there each day.
Some of the best products for how to get rid of pool mites are listed below.
HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced
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HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced is a powerful swimming pool shock treatment that will help eliminate all types of pool mites for good. This product also works to kill bacteria and algae that can form in your swimming pool water, which helps prevent it from turning green or brown. The formula is also extremely effective against bacteria, such as E-coli and Salmonella, which could cause illness if ingested by humans or pets.
The product uses chlorine dioxide as its primary ingredient, which is known for its ability to kill even the toughest forms of bacteria and algae. This makes it perfect for use in swimming pools because it will kill any type of bacteria or algae that may be growing in your water.
Bonide Captain Jack’s Neem Oil
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If you’re looking for a natural way to keep your pool and spa free from bugs, Bonide Captain Jack’s Neem Oil is a great option. It’s a non-toxic insect repellent made from the neem tree, which has been used in India for centuries as an effective treatment for all kinds of pests.
It works by coating the body of insects and preventing them from laying eggs. So, if you have these little buggers hanging around your pool, it’s time to bring out the big guns.
You can use Bonide Captain Jack’s Neem Oil as a barrier spray around your pool area to keep bugs away from your pool. The neem oil will not harm your pool liner but you should still test it on a small area before applying it to your entire property. Be sure you also avoid putting this product directly into your pool.
Mighty Mint Gallon Insect and Pest Control Spray
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The Mighty Mint Gallon Insect and Pest Control Spray is a powerful, non-toxic, biodegradable insect spray. It kills and repels a number of insects, including those that could be the cause of your pool mites. This product is ideal for getting rid of and repelling mosquitoes, gnats, spiders, ants and more. It can also help to eliminate odors from pet waste, food waste and dead animals.
We like that the Mighty Mint Gallon Insect and Pest Control Spray is an eco-friendly pest killer that is made from all natural ingredients. The bug repellent works by releasing a mist into the air around your pool area that will keep them away when applied as directed!
This product is safe to use around children and pets and is not harmful for the environment or for beneficial insects.
HTC Pool Care Algae Guard
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HTC Pool Care Algae Guard is a non-toxic, chemical free way to get rid of pool mites and pool bugs.
HTC Pool Care Algae Guard works by killing algae and preventing its growth. It does this by changing the pH of your pool water, which makes it impossible for the algae to survive. The change in temperature from summer to winter also causes an imbalance in the algae’s metabolism, leading to its death.
To use this product to get rid of pool mites, check the PH balance of your pool water using a test kit (available at most hardware stores). You’ll need a PH between 7.4 – 7.8 for this treatment to work properly, so if your water isn’t within this range then you’ll need to adjust it with some pool chemicals before proceeding (see below). If you don’t know how to do this yourself it is best to contact your local pool service provider or look up instructions online before continuing on with this treatment process.
Clorox Pool & Spa Green Algae Eliminator
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Green algae is a common problem in pools and spas. It’s actually a bacteria that grows on the surface of the water and looks like green slime. It doesn’t hurt you or your pool, but it can be unsightly and affect water quality, and it can also lead to pool mites. You can get rid of green algae by treating it with Clorox Pool & Spa Green Algae Eliminator. This product contains chlorine bleach, which will kill the green algae in your pool.
Mix up the product in a bucket according to the manufacturer’s directions. You’ll want to use enough solution to cover all of the green algae in your pool, so if you have a large amount, you may need more than one gallon of this product.
Add the solution to your pool and let it sit for about ten minutes before turning on your filter pump again. This will allow time for all of the chlorine bleach to evaporate from the surface of the water before any swimming occurs again, which helps prevent skin irritation for swimmers who have sensitive skin or allergies.
After 10 minutes have passed, turn on your filter pump and let it run until all of the chemicals are gone from your pool’s surface water.
Are There Any Home Remedies For Getting Rid Of Pool Mites?
Growing plants like peppermint around your pool can help control pool mites.
Pool mites are a common problem in many household pools but they can sometimes be remedied by using home remedies and household ingredients. However, keep in mind that it is never a good idea to put household ingredients into your pool without doing plenty of research first and without having a good understanding of the type of filtration system you have for your pool.
How to use essential oils to get rid of pool mites
There are many different ways to use essential oils to get rid of pool mites, but it’s important to note here that you should not put essential oils directly into your pool. While a small amount of essential oils is not likely to damage your pool, putting in too much can create problems for your filter and lead to damage.
Instead, use essential oils to get rid of pool mites by applying it around your pool. This will help keep the bugs that may get near your pool and lay eggs at bay.
Some of the best essential oils to help get rid of pool mites include oils like peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, citronella oil, citrus oil, and clove oil.
You can make your own bug spray to repel pool mites around your pool by combining two cups of water with 10 to 20 drops of the essential oil of your choice. Spray this around your pool two to three times a week to repel bugs. You can also saturate cotton balls in the essential oil of your choice and place them around your pool to deter bugs.
Be sure you replace these cotton balls once every two to three days with freshly soaked cotton balls to deter pool mites.
How to use companion planting to deter pool mites
One of the best ways to keep pests under control is by using companion planting. Companion planting is a practice that involves growing specific plants together with other types of plants that naturally repel pests. This is an effective way to avoid using harmful pesticides and herbicides while also protecting your property.
Companion plantings can be used in various parts of your garden and even around your pool area if you have issues with pool mites or other pests. Here are some of the best plants you can use to get rid of pool mites.
Some of the best plants you can plant around your pool to help get rid of pool mites include:
- Sage
- Garlic
- Onions
- Mint
- Rosemary
- Lavender
- Catnip
- Citronella
- Cedar Tree Bark
Other ways to get rid of pool mites include:
- Using smoke from tiki torches or candles, or investing in a fire pit
- Put out bird feeders to attract the predators
- Use a fan to make it difficult for flying pests to land in your pool and lay eggs
- Make use of your pool cover when you are not using your pool
- Try a vacuum and pool brush to remove pool mites yourself
- Clean your pool every day to reduce algae buildup
- Avoid planting plants that could attract pests around your pool
- Be sure you store trash properly and in sealed bins away from your pool
Pool Mites – Keeping Your Pool Mite-Free For Good
Along with following the above tips, you can also get rid of pool bugs using expert tips.
Pool mites can be a real nuisance for pool owners and swimmers alike. These pests are often small, annoying, and potentially even hazardous to your pool.
Fortunately, pool mites are not dangerous and are common around pools. If you have pool mites, you’re not alone, and the good news is that getting rid of pool mites is simple. However, keeping pool mites from returning can be more difficult.
Here are some expert tips on preventing pool mites:
Expert tip #1: Clean your pool regularly
The first step in preventing pool mites is keeping your pool clean. The more often you clean your swimming pool, the smaller the chance that pool mites will become established in it. You should also clean all of your pool toys after using them in the water so that there are no stagnant areas where pests can breed or hide from view.
Expert tip #2: Use bug-repellent yellow lights around your pool at night
If you like to swim late at night, then consider using bug-repellent yellow lights around your swimming area. Typical lights can be attractive to flying pests, but specialized yellow lights can help deter these pool mites.
Expert tip #3: Sanitize your filter regularly
While it’s true that filters help keep your pool water clean, they also accumulate debris that needs to be removed regularly by brushing or vacuuming. You should brush or vacuum your filter at least once per week to keep it working properly and keep debris from clogging the pores on its surface or even damaging it permanently
Expert tip #4: Inspect your filter often
You should inspect your filter every month for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks or leaking. You should also check for any damage caused by tree branches or rocks being tossed into the pool. If you find any damage, then you need to replace the entire filter cartridge immediately so as not to risk having a leaky one that could cost you thousands in future repairs!
Expert tip 5: Keep standing water moving
Another way to prevent pool mites is by keeping standing water moving at all times. The only time you should allow a body of water to stand still is when you’re applying chemicals or performing maintenance on the equipment. Otherwise, keep it moving so that there’s no opportunity for mites to develop and multiply in large numbers.
So, what do you think about pool mites and managing these pests? Share your thoughts with us on how you manage pool mites in the comment section below.
Jack founded our blog after two decades of working in the pest control industry. His vast experience dealing with a wide array of pests allows him to diagnose issues quickly and get to the heart of pest problems quickly and effectively. He has serviced more than 2,000 homes over his career and there is hardly any pest situation that he has not seen before.