A wise person on Pinterest once quoted “whoever said, “out of sight, out of mind probably never lost sight of a spider in their house”. And we felt that to our core.
But even if you’re not deathly afraid of these eight-legged arachnids, chances are you’re not thrilled to discover one has become an unwelcome visitor.
Spiders do get a bad rap, and that’s a shame considering these creatures are much more beneficial than they are harmful. Still, if you’re wondering how long do spiders live in a house, then chances are you’re hoping the answer is “not very long”.
Unfortunately, the answer to that question is not so black and white, and in fact, the time a spider can survive in your home can vary depending on the circumstances of the environment and species of spider you are dealing with.
So, how long do spiders live in a house? Before we answer this question, let’s first take a moment to talk about spiders.
What You Should Know About Spiders
Not all spiders are bad. In fact, most are beneficial.
Spiders are amazing critters that are often mistaken for insects. In fact, spiders are not insects and instead belong to their own class known as Arachnida. Also called arachnids, spiders join a class of other eight-legged animals like scorpions and mites.
Though many people fear spiders, they actually play an intricate role in our healthy ecosystem. In fact, without spiders, it is estimated that pests like flies, mosquitoes, roaches, and other annoying and dangerous bugs would quickly get out of control.
As you may already know, spiders feed on insects, other spiders, and sometimes even small animals like mice and lizards. Their webs are used to not only catch their prey, but also to simply protect spiders from other predators while they rest during the day.
The total number of spider species in the United States is unknown, but it is estimated that there are around 40,000 species worldwide. Of those, over 3,000 species are found in North America.
Of those 3,000 spiders in the United States, only about three are considered medically important. These three spiders include the black widow, the brown recluse, and the hobo spider.
Of course, while these spiders can cause infection, allergic reactions, and even hospitalization if they bite a person, death caused directly from the venom of one of these three spiders is incredibly rare.
If you’re wondering how long do spiders live in a house, this is hopefully some comforting news. But then it brings us back full circle; how long do spiders live in a house?
To answer this, we should first take a look at how long spiders live in their natural habitat.
Depending on the species, spiders can live anywhere from a year to up to twenty years in the right conditions. House spiders, (the spiders you’re most likely wondering about when it comes to how long do spiders live in a house) are known to live an average of three years, though they are capable of living up to seven.
According to the Smithsonian Magazine, the world’s oldest spider, a female trapdoor spider that lived at an Australian reserve and was the subject of long term research on spiders of her species, died recently at the incredibly ripe age of 43.
Yes. You read that correctly.
The good news is that it’s very unlikely you’ll come across a 40-year-old spider calling your home their home.
But you could find spiders who’ve been there a lot longer than you may think. So, how long do spiders live in a house? Keep reading to find out.
So, How Long Do Spiders Live In A House?
The common house spider can live more than 3 years inside a home.
American house spiders (Achaearanea tepidariorum) are one of the most common species of spiders living in homes in the United States. Luckily, these spiders are not particularly dangerous to humans or pets.
Another common species of spider you may come across in your home is Steatoda grossa, also known as the false black widow spider. In spite of their unnerving name, these spiders are also not considered dangerous to humans and pets.
However, false black widow spiders can be aggressive if disturbed or threatened.
So just how long can you expect these creepy crawlies to survive in your home?
The answer to how long do spiders live in a house question depends on several factors. The most important factor is the type of spider you’re talking about. Remember, there are more than 3,000 species of spiders in the United States, but some are more common in homes than others.
The average house spider can live for up to two years in a home when left undisturbed and if living conditions are right. However, these spiders can live even longer if they are given optimal conditions including the right amount of food, the correct temperature, and humidity, and a space free of other predators.
And if you think you’re free of house spiders because you haven’t seen any in a while, think again.
Research has found that common house spiders tend to die faster when exposed to extreme temperatures, limited food sources, and dry conditions.
According to one study by the Washington Post horrifically titled “Spiders Could Theoretically Eat Every Person On Earth In One Year”, 100% of homes have spiders living within them, with an average of 61.84 spiders living in a single home at a time.
That’s about one spider every three feet. That means you’re probably within arms reach of a spider right now.
You’re welcome.
Why Do I Have A Spider In My House?
Spiders are attracted to our homes for a few different reasons.
If you’re wondering how long do spiders live in a house, then you’re also probably wondering why you have a spider in your house.
Well, the above estimations according to experts could give you a good idea. Our homes make safe havens for these eight-legged critters, and many homes provide an ideal amount of food, shelter, and even water.
And while the average number of 61.84 spiders living amongst you right this second can seem unnerving, the truth is that this is not a level of infestation. This means that you’re not likely to see all these spiders at once.
This also means that the one spider you did see recently that has likely led you to this article is also probably the dumbest of the bunch, considering it wasn’t clever enough to stay hidden away in the shadows where you wouldn’t find and inevitably kill it.
But we digress.
The truth is, some spiders may find their way accidentally into your home through open doors, open windows, cracks in siding, and the like. However, other spiders may have been born there thanks to their spider parents who found their way inside before them.
While some spiders will come and go from your house on their own, others may choose to stay. This is especially true if the environment is ideal.
In fact, if you do notice an abundance of spiders in your home, chances are you have other pest problems you should consider tackling. Other pests like roaches, flies, and ants can lead to an uptick in spiders inside the house, and can certainly lead you to wonder how long do spiders live in a house.
Signs Of Spiders In My Home
One of the most obvious sightings of a spider in your home is going to be webs or sightings of the spider itself.
Since most spiders are not keen on blatantly showing themselves, and since the majority of spider species prefer to live in dark, undisturbed locations like behind furniture, in basements, in crawl spaces, or in the corners of closets, it could be difficult to determine if they are there.
So while you ask yourself how long do spiders live in a house, you should also consider what signs to look for of a spider invasion.
If you have a spider infestation, you won’t see them all the time. Spiders are not only illusive, but they are also nocturnal creatures and prefer to stay hidden during the day. You may find signs of spiders in your home, such as webs and egg sacs, but those are not always visible.
Here are some common signs of spiders in the house:
Spider Webs
Spiders often set up their webs in high-traffic areas like doorways or corners of rooms. When it comes to catching food, they’ll do so wherever they can find it.
Spider Egg Sacs
Spider egg sacs resemble small cotton balls and can be found in corners or under furniture. They’re usually cream or yellow in color and hang from the ceiling by a silk strand.
Spider Droppings
You may see spider droppings on the floor or walls if there are many spiders in your home. These droppings look like tiny black dots or streaks and vary in size depending on what kind of spider they belong to.
Spiders Themselves
If you see one spider in your home, there’s likely more hiding somewhere close by! While many species of spiders are solitary, some species live in groups known as colonies.
Tips To Getting Spiders To Leave Your Home
Getting spiders to leave your home could mean changing a few habits.
It may be impossible to get rid of spiders completely in your home, but there are several ways you can go about reducing the number of spiders in your home and even making your home less inviting overall.
And because the sighting of a single spider is often an indication of others nearby, chances are you’re wondering not only how long do spiders live in a house, but also how to get rid of spiders you can’t see or find.
Spiders are one of the most common pests people encounter in their homes. They can be intimidating, but there are products you can use to get rid of them.
Use An Insecticide Spray
Insecticides are an effective way to go about removing or repelling spiders already in your home. These products contain chemicals that will kill the spider when sprayed directly on it or sprayed into its web or general location.
While insecticides are effective, they can also be dangerous if not used properly. Be sure to always follow the instructions on the label when using insecticides in your home, especially if children or pets live in the home with you.
Use Natural Repellents
There are also natural repellents available that will help keep spiders out of your house without having to use dangerous chemicals in your home or yard. One example is citronella oil which smells like lemon drops and keeps many bugs at bay including mosquitoes. It is also safe to use around children and pets. You can find citronella oil in many grocery stores or online. There are also many other natural repellents such as cinnamon sticks, cloves, peppermint oil, garlic, and bay leaves that will help keep spiders away from your home without using harmful toxins that could be harmful to humans or pets!
Ultrasonic Sound Devices
A good way to keep spiders (and other pests) from entering your home in the first place could be by using ultrasonic sound devices. These devices emit a high-pitched sound that is said to be unpleasant for spiders and other insects. Although some people have claimed success with them, we should note that there is no real scientific proof that these devices actually work.
Use Home Remedies
Another effective way to get rid of spiders in your home and keep them from returning is the use of products you already have lying around. We will talk about how to use home remedies more effectively further down, but first, let’s talk about some products you can invest in when looking at how long do spiders live in a house and what you can do to get rid of them.
Best Products For Getting Rid Of A Spider In The House
You can also work to get rid of spiders by investing in a few quality products.
Finding the right products for getting rid of spiders is important, and it’s also important to consider your lifestyle and what you are hoping to achieve by using specific pest control methods before you decide which products are right for you.
If you’re not sure about whether to use natural methods, sound devices, insecticides, or a combination of these methods, we have listed a few of the top listed products we would recommend for getting rid of spiders below.
Take a look!
Mighty Mint Spider Repellent
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If you’re looking for a natural form of spider repellent for how long do spiders live in a house, we recommend giving Mighty Mint Spider Repellent a shot.
Mighty Mint is a non-toxic, all-natural product that works to repel spiders and other insects from your home. The spray can be sprayed both inside and sprayed around the outside of your home to keep spiders from entering, and it’s safe to use around children and pets.
The best part about this product is that it’s not only effective but also smells great! The spray has an aroma that smells like mint, so it won’t just keep spiders away — it’ll also help freshen up your home during the fall season.
Stay Away Spider Deterrent
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Stay Away Spider Deterrent Pouches are natural, non-messy, and easy-to-use scent pouches that help reduce the number of spiders you come across when researching how long do spiders live in a house.
The pouches are made from the organic plant material and are 100% biodegradable so they break down naturally in your yard without harming animals.
Stay Away Spider Deterrent Pouches contain no harsh chemicals or pesticides. They’re made with essential oils that deter spiders from entering your home while also keeping them away from your lawn and garden areas. This makes them an effective alternative to traditional pest control methods that can be harmful to children, pets, and wildlife if used incorrectly.
To use this product, simply place one Stay Away Spider Deterrent Scent Pouch near each entry point into your home (windows and doors). The pouches will last up to 60 days before needing to be replaced.
Grafken Ultrasonic Pest Repeller
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If you’ve noticed a spider in your home and are wondering how long do spiders live in a house, you might want to look into a product that can deter them without the use of chemicals, odors, or sprays.
Enter Grafken Ultrasonic Pest Repeller products. These products use ultrasonic sound waves to deter pests like spiders, roaches, ants, mice, rats, and more. The sound waves are inaudible to humans but are very disturbing to pests, causing them to leave the area rather than seek food or shelter.
The Grafken Ultrasonic Pest Repeller uses a piezoelectric transducer that converts electrical energy into mechanical vibration. The vibrations are converted into ultra-high frequency sound waves by means of a resonant chamber. The device works by sending out an ultra-high frequency sound wave that is uncomfortable for pest insects and rodents (but not humans) who hear it and move away from the repellent device.
Miss Muffet’s Revenge Spider Killer
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Miss Muffet’s Revenge Spider Killer is a ready-to-use, aerosol spray that kills and repels spiders. It is effective against all types of spiders, including black widows, brown recluses, and orb weavers.
This spray uses the active ingredient bifenthrin to kill and repel spiders both indoors and out. Bifenthrin is a common ingredient in spider sprays because it is effective at killing and repelling spiders, even if they are resistant to some other pesticides. The product also contains an insect growth regulator (IGR) called pyriproxyfen that helps prevent any surviving eggs from hatching into new pests.
Miss Muffet’s Revenge Spider Killer works best when applied directly to cracks and crevices where spiders hide during the day or at night. You can also treat around window sills and door frames with this product. Apply the product every six months or as needed in order to keep your home free of unwanted pests like spiders.
Home Remedies For How Long Do Spiders Live In A House
Spiders are repelled by a number of common household ingredients including peppermint and vinegar.
Now that we know the answer to “how long do spiders live in a house” could be over a year, you’re probably anxious to get started on a spider repellent method.
The good news is that you don’t have to make a trip to the store or wait for your order to be shipped to your home to get cracking on spider removal. In fact, there are probably products in your home right now that can help repel spiders quickly and effectively.
Some of the most common spider repellent methods are listed for you to consider below. Take a look.
Essential Oils
You can use essential oils like peppermint oil, lemon oil, and clove oil in a spray bottle to kill spiders. These oils are very strong and will kill the spiders when they come in contact with them.
To make this spray, mix about 10 drops of each essential oil with water in a spray bottle with two cups of water and shake well before each use. Spray this mixture on any spiders that you see around your home or garden.
Vinegar and Water
Mix one part white vinegar with three parts water in a spray bottle and shake well before each use. Spray this mixture on any spiders that you see around your home or garden. Vinegar is also a great spider repellent because it has a strong odor that helps keep them from entering into your home or garden area again!
Citrus And Olive Oil
Many people use citrus oil as an alternative to vinegar when it comes to repelling pests such as spiders, ants, and mosquitoes! Citrus oil is also very effective in repelling flies, cockroaches, and other insects from entering your home.
To use this method, simply add 10 drops of citrus essential oil to one tablespoon of olive oil, mix well and then apply the mixture directly onto surfaces around your home to keep insects away naturally!
Diatomaceous Earth
If you have a spider problem within your home, Diatomaceous Earth, also known as DE, is an excellent option for getting rid of these little critters! Simply sprinkle diatomaceous earth around areas where you notice spider activity.
Diatomaceous Earth is an all-natural substance made of fossilized algae. It is perfectly safe for people, pets, and the environment, however, it is deadly to hard-bodied pests like spiders, ants, roaches, and more.
Grow Mint
Mint is an extremely effective and natural repellent for spiders.
Growing mint in your home or along window sills can help repel not only spiders, but many other pests as well like ants, flies, and mites. Mint is a perennial plant that can be grown indoors or outdoors in most climates. It thrives in moist soil and full sun exposure. It can be planted from seed directly into the ground, but it is easier to start with cuttings from an established plant.
Best Practices For How To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Home
If you suspect an infestation of venomous spiders, it may be best to contact a professional.
How long do spiders live in a house? Well, it could be years. And since you’re likely to have many more than one spider in your home at a time, chances are you’re ready for some tips to reduce the number of these arachnids you come across indoors.
First, Clean Up Clutter
Spiders love clutter because it provides them with shelter and hiding places. If you have a lot of clutter in your home, you’ll want to remove as much as possible. This will make it easier for you to spot any spiders that may be lurking around.
Eliminate Their Food Sources
If you have pet food or other food lying around inside your home, it could attract insects like ants or flies. If this happens, it’s only a matter of time before spiders start showing up too. The same goes for trash bins that aren’t kept clean and empty on a regular basis.
You should also keep an eye on your outdoor garbage cans so they don’t attract pests like flies or ants who will then attract spiders into your home through the doorways created by these openings in your security system.
Seal Off Potential Entry Points
Spiders can get into your home through small cracks in window frames or doors that don’t close properly when closed. Seal off these entry points with silicone caulk or weather stripping, or even use duct tape to temporarily cover up any cracks or holes.
Vacuum Frequently
Spiders like to hide in dark corners and crevices, so vacuum often to remove them from your home. Vacuuming also helps prevent spider webs from collecting in the corners of your home.
Repair Leaky Plumbing
Spiders like to live near water sources because water allows them access to other food sources like insects or small animals that come close enough for them to catch and eat. To avoid this, be sure to repair leaky faucets and pipes as soon as they’re discovered.
Last But Not Least, Contact A Professional
If you notice venomous spiders in your home or you suspect that you have an infestation of spiders in your home, it may be best to contact a pest control specialist as soon as possible. A professional will be able to identify the type of spider infestation and recommend strategies on how best to eliminate it.
But remember, your home will never fully be spider-free, and this may not be a bad thing. Spiders are highly skilled when it comes to pest control, so if you do come across a non-venomous spider in your home from time to time, consider letting it be.
Who knows? This spider in your house may just be your free form of natural pest control for the next few years.
So, what do you think about how long do spiders live in a house? Did you realize these critters could survive for so long within the walls of your home?
Share your thoughts with us on how long do spiders live in a house in the comment section below.
Jack founded our blog after two decades of working in the pest control industry. His vast experience dealing with a wide array of pests allows him to diagnose issues quickly and get to the heart of pest problems quickly and effectively. He has serviced more than 2,000 homes over his career and there is hardly any pest situation that he has not seen before.