Most of us find baby animals to be irresistibly cute, but the same may not be said for everyone when it comes to a baby bat. However, bats are incredibly beneficial animals and, in many areas throughout the United States, they are even protected.
It’s very rare to find a baby bat on its own on the ground or alone. tree. Most mother bats roost in large broods and hide their babies away in dark areas like caves, hollows of trees, or even bat boxes placed around the land by farmers or even homeowners.
Finding a baby bat can be straddling, but it’s important you educate yourself on what to do so you can ensure the baby bat has the best chance of survival. In today’s article, we are going to talk about what to do if you find a baby bat. We are also going to talk a bit more about bats in general, how to identify specific species around your region, and what a baby bat roosting in your home could mean for you and your family.
Let’s begin.
First And Foremost, What Should You Do If You Find A Baby Bat?
Baby bats are very rarely abandoned, however, it is possible for them to be left alone.
Bats are an important part of the ecosystem and contribute to the control of insects, but they often get a bad rap. Most people don’t know much about them, which is understandable. Bats are nocturnal mammals and have evolved to be able to fly. They are often misunderstood and feared as “evil” creatures.
Despite this negative perception, bats play an important role in keeping insect populations under control. In fact, bats can eat up to 600 insects per hour!
Baby bats, also known as pus, are born during late summer or fall and will spend their first winter huddled together with their mothers in caves or other protected areas. The next spring the babies will leave their mothers to find food on their own. Baby bats roost in crevices or small spaces near where there is an abundance of insects for food — like under eaves or behind shutters on a house.
If you ever find a baby bat, you may be wondering what to do next. Although it’s not as common in the United States, it is possible for bats to carry rabies. So before handling any bat, make sure it is not sick with rabies or other diseases.
If you find a baby bat in your home, it probably fell from its roost and needs help finding its way back up. If you find a baby bat outside in an area where there are no trees nearby, the mother may have dropped it from her mouth while she was flying overhead.
In either case, try to locate where the mother was going when she dropped the baby and return that way — if possible — so she can pick up her offspring again.
If you find a baby bat whether indoors or outside, there are steps you can take to help it stay safe and healthy:
First, attempt to find the mother bat or where the mother bat is roosting. If she has left her babies behind, she will likely come back for them within 24 hours – if not sooner! Bats only leave their young for short periods of time when they have to eat or drink, so it’s likely that she is nearby. Listen for chirps from other members of the colony; these will help you locate them.
There are a number of reasons why a baby bat might be abandoned by its mother:
The mother may have been killed in a predator or by humans. In this case, the baby needs help right away because it’s extremely vulnerable and unlikely to survive on its own.
The mother might have been startled while she was nursing her young and accidentally dropped one of them during the commotion. This is actually quite common, especially if there are other bats in the area that are making too much noise or flying around too close by. Even if Mom didn’t intentionally drop her baby, she may not be able to find it again.
Another reason a baby bat may be found alone could be that the mother may have sensed danger nearby and tried to flee with her babies still clinging to her, which could have led to one of them falling off along the way.
If you cannot find the mother bat after 24 hours, contact your local wildlife rehabilitator or animal control officer for the next steps on what to do.
If you find a baby bat, the first thing you should do is call the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or your state wildlife agency. These agencies can provide advice on how to care for the little animal until help arrives. They’ll also make sure that the bat is taken to a facility where it can be cared for properly.
You should never try to raise a baby bat by yourself — it’s very dangerous for both you and the bat.
What You Should Know About Bats
Bats are interesting mammals that are capable of flying and sleep hanging upside down.
Bats are the only mammals that can fly. There are more than 1,200 species of bats worldwide, and all but one species live in the tropics. Of those 1,400 species, only about 47 species live in North America. The most common types of bats you might come across are the big brown bat, the little brown bat, and the northern long-eared bat.
The Big Brown Bat
The Big Brown Bat is the most common and widespread bat species in North America. It is found throughout the United States, Mexico, and Central America. It has a wingspan of up to 16 inches and weighs as much as half an ounce! Big Brown Bats live near water sources like creeks, rivers, or ponds where they can find insects to eat. They use echolocation to find food at night when they are flying around looking for insects to eat.
The Little Brown Bat
Little brown bats live all over North America except for parts of Canada and northern U.S. states that don’t experience much cold weather during winter months (like Alaska). Little brown bats live year-round in colonies where there’s lots of roosting space available – like underneath bridges or beneath tree limbs – so that they can have room to hang out together all winter long when it’s too cold outside for them to fly around freely.
This species of bat lives mostly in wooded areas but will sometimes come out into open spaces during the day to hunt for insects. They tend to prefer living in hollow trees or caves where there is plenty of shelter from predators like hawks and owls.
The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat
The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. These bats prefer warmer temperatures even more so than other species of bat, which makes them well suited for living in desert climates. They are commonly found in caves but also live in buildings and trees.
These bats live in large colonies made up of thousands of individuals called maternity colonies or nursery roosts when they are raising their young. These colonies can range from several hundred bats to more than 100,000 bats!
They spend most of their time sleeping or resting during the day, and at night these bats fly out looking for food such as insects or fruit juice.
Are Bats Mammals?
All bats are mammals, which means they are warm-blooded animals who give birth to live young and feed their young with milk from their bodies. They also have hair, although it’s often very short or absent on some parts of their bodies (such as the nose wings).
Bats belong to the order Chiroptera, which means “hand wing.” Their wings consist of a thin skin stretched between elongated finger bones that allow them to fly. These wings are also wrapped around them as they hang upside down while resting or sleeping. While bats do use their wings for flight, although some species glide rather than fly (known as “flapping” flight). Bats also use their wings when they are flying close to the ground (known as “flutter” flight).
Most bats are nocturnal, which means active at night, but some species may be active during the day or evening hours if there is enough light for them to see by. It’s a common misconception that bats are blind during the day, though this is not true. Bats actually have very keen eyesight.
Bats are carnivores (meat-eaters). Their diet includes moths, beetles, mosquitos, fish, and frogs. A single bat can eat up to 1,000 insects in one hour! This is one of the many reasons bats are considered so beneficial to a healthy ecosystem.
The life cycle of bats is similar to that of other animals. Female bats give birth to their young from late May into early June.
A bat baby is called a pup, and they are born blind and with their ears folded over their eyes. They also have claws on their wings and feet, which they use until they become more accustomed to flight. This process takes place within the first week after birth.
After this time, the young bats begin to fly with their mothers, who will teach them how to hunt for food and avoid predators. The mother also protects her young by carrying them in her mouth or on her back as she flies from place to place looking for food.
All female bats provide care for their offspring in some way during their first year of life. Some species carry their young around with them at all times while others leave theirs hanging in trees or caves while they go out looking for food, then return later when it’s time for them to eat and sleep again.
Are Bats Dangerous? Are Baby Bats Dangerous?
Bats are not aggressive but they will bite if they feel threatened.
When left alone, bats are not dangerous. They are not aggressive and will often not bite or scratch unless they feel threatened. If you’re afraid of bats, you should know that they are actually beneficial to humans. They help control the populations of insects such as mosquitoes, which are considered one of the most dangerous insects on the planet.
With that being said, bats can carry and transmit some serious diseases to people and other animals, especially if you are not careful.
This also goes for baby bats. This is why it’s important not to handle any bat without wearing protective gear, such as gloves and a mask, when you’re trying to help it. This is also why it’s so important to know what to do if you should ever find a baby bat on your premises or in your yard.
So, what diseases do bats carry?
Well, bats can carry a number of diseases and parasites that are transmissible to humans including rabies, ebola, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), histoplasmosis, and hantavirus.
Rabies is a viral disease that affects the central nervous system of humans and other mammals. It causes inflammation in the brain which leads to paralysis or death if not treated immediately. The disease is transmitted through saliva which is usually present on bite wounds or scratches from an infected animal including bats.
Ebola is a virus that causes severe hemorrhagic fever in humans and primates with a mortality rate of up to 90%. It was first discovered in 1976 during an outbreak in Sudan and Zaire (now Congo) where it killed several hundred people before being contained by medical professionals who were able to develop a treatment protocol using antibodies from survivors’ blood samples.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Bats have been found to carry SARS-CoV, the same virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). This is a disease that can be transmitted from person to person and has spread around the world in the past, with the most recent outbreak happening in 2019, which we all know of as the Corona Virus outbreak.
Histoplasmosis is a fungus that grows in the soil of caves and mines. People can get sick if they breathe in fungal spores, which can be transported or stirred up by bats residing in these areas. You are more likely to get histoplasmosis if you spend a lot of time in caves or mines with bat droppings or guano (bat droppings). The fungus grows in the soil, but it does not affect the bats.
Bats are not the only animals that carry histoplasmosis. Birds, rodents, dogs and cats can also carry it. Other people may get histoplasmosis from gardening or clearing out buildings where bats live.
A virus carried by some species of bats causes hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). HPS is a serious disease that can cause death within one week after symptoms appear. People who come into contact with infected bats may develop HPS.
People who live in close contact with infected bats may be at greater risk of getting HPS than others. But you can also get HPS if you have contact with an infected person’s bodily fluids while they are shedding virus particles through saliva, urine, or feces.
What You Should Know About Roosting Bats In Your Home
Bats are protected in many regions so getting rid of roosting bats in your home may be illegal.
Bats are fascinating animals, and many people enjoy having them around. However, if you notice bats roosting in your home, it can be quite alarming. It may even be a sign of a larger pest problem like insects. Roosting bats can be very destructive to the structure of your home and can cause damage that’s difficult to repair.
Bats are natural “homebodies” and prefer to live in enclosed spaces that provide protection from predators and the elements. They seek out warm hiding spots during cold weather and return to their summer homes when temperatures begin to warm up again. When bats enter your home, they may find it difficult to get out again so they stay until it’s time for them to leave for warmer climates again.
There are signs you can look for of bats roosting in your home. If you notice small holes in the exterior siding or walls of your home where no holes were before, there is a good chance that bats may be living inside. You might also notice droppings on window sills or other areas around the house where you would expect there not to be any droppings at all.
Another common sign of bats roosting in your home that could lead to you finding a baby bat could be signs of bats flying from your home around dusk or dawn.
Bats can be a problem when they roost in your home. If you find bats living in your home, it’s important to know that many types of bats are protected and it’s not always legal to remove them yourself. You can do damage to the bats and your home if you try to remove them on your own.
You should also know that removing bats without proper permits is against the law. If you do try to remove them yourself, you could be fined up to $1,000 or face a penalty of up to six months in jail.
There are a lot of reasons why bats might roost in your home. They may have been chased out of their usual habitat by predators or may have been displaced because of construction work being done nearby. They may also have been displaced because of changes in their feeding grounds or other environmental factors.
If you notice that bats are living in your home and you want them gone, it is important to contact a professional for help.
Which Products Are Best For Preventing Bats From Roosting In Your Home
The best products for preventing bats from roosting are typically going to be bat repellents.
Some bats can make a nuisance of themselves by roosting in your home. This can include bats that build their nests in attics, chimneys, and even under roof shingles. They may even try to get into your house through small cracks or holes in the walls.
The good news is that there are several products available to help prevent bats from getting into your home. The key is choosing the right product for your needs.
The most common type of bat repellent is called a “deterrent”. These could include sprays containing pheromones that are released when sprayed on roosting areas. Bats don’t like these smells so they avoid them and leave their homes for another place to stay.
Other types of deterrents include ultrasonic bat repellents, sound machines, shiny decoys, or even lights. These deterrents work best if applied directly to areas where potential bat colonies could take up residence like in your attic, chimney, or around your home’s eaves.
These products are usually used in conjunction with other methods such as exclusion repairs and sealing up holes where bats could potentially enter your home.
Below are a few different types of deterrents that could help keep bats at bay and help prevent you from potentially finding a baby bat.
Bonide Bat Magic
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To prevent bats from using your home, place a package of Bonide Bat Magic in all visible cracks and openings. Bats are highly sensitive to the smell of naphthalene, which is what makes up the scent packets.
The naphthalene will deter bats from entering your home. It won’t kill them, but it will make them think twice about going into a house where they smell it. If you find bats inside your home, you may need to do more than just use the scent packets.
Bonide Bat Magic Scent Packets contain six packets that each last one month when exposed to air (unopened). If opened, the packet should be replaced every month or so.
Mighty Mint Insect and Pest Control
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Although this is not a bat repellent specifically, keeping your home insect free is one of the most simple things you can do to repel bats and reduce your chances of coming across a baby bat that might need your help.
Remember, bats are highly attracted to insects, so if you remove their food source they are much less likely to come around.
Mighty Mint Insect and Pest Control is a great way to keep insects out of your home that might attract bats. This natural insect repellent is made from lemon eucalyptus oil and other essential oils that are commonly found in nature. This powerful formula is safe for humans, pets, and children. This repellent will help keep insects away from your home and it also works as a natural pesticide for killing fleas, ticks, and other bugs that might be living in your yard or garden.
Briidea Ultrasonic Bat Repellent System
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The Briidea Ultrasonic Bat Repellent System is a safe and humane way to keep bats out of your home. The system emits high-frequency sounds that are inaudible to people but are extremely annoying for bats. This causes them to leave the area and find a new place to live.
The system works by emitting high-frequency sound waves that irritate bats until they leave the area permanently. It’s completely safe for humans and pets because it emits sounds that are too high-pitched for us to hear.
The Briidea Ultrasonic Bat Repellent System can be used in any room where bats have been sighted or where you suspect an infestation may occur.
Bats – The Myths And Truths Of These Unique Animals
Bats are often seen as scary or evil, but in truth they are docile and benificial animals.
Bats are often considered scary or evil but they are not. They are actually very beneficial. This is why if you do find a baby bat, you should do your best to do right by the baby bat by contacting your local animal wildlife resources for help.
Amazingly, bats are one of the most diverse groups of mammals, with more than 1,400 species worldwide. They are unique in their ability to fly and use echolocation to navigate in the dark. The problems associated with bats are often caused by human ignorance and fear.
As we’ve mentioned, bats eat insects and other pests, including mosquitoes and crop pests like corn earworm moths, cotton bollworms, and alfalfa weevils.
This saves farmers money on pesticides and helps protect the environment by reducing pesticide runoff into streams and rivers. Bats also help pollinate plants — a service worth $3 billion annually in North America alone — including many fruits such as mangoes and bananas that humans enjoy eating.
Because bats are so beneficial and can be so helpful when it comes to pest control, you might find you want to keep them around. You can keep bats around without inviting them to get too close by installing bat boxes around the edges of your property. These areas provide bats a safe space to roost and help control pests without getting close enough to choose your home as their home potentially.
The best way to prevent bats from getting into your home is by keeping up with routine home maintenance. Bats will often enter homes through holes or cracks in outer walls or roofs. If you have any doubts about whether your house has any potential entry points for bats, it could be a good idea to contact your local pest control agency to help determine if your home is secure against these animals.
We hope this has been a helpful guide on bats and what to do if you happen to find a baby bat! Now we want to hear from you.
Have you ever found a baby bat before? Share your story with us in the comment section below.
Thanks for reading!
Jack founded our blog after two decades of working in the pest control industry. His vast experience dealing with a wide array of pests allows him to diagnose issues quickly and get to the heart of pest problems quickly and effectively. He has serviced more than 2,000 homes over his career and there is hardly any pest situation that he has not seen before.