How To Get Rid Of A Norway Rat 

One of the most common pests throughout North America, the Norway rat is large, adaptable, and incredibly damaging to homes and structures. Worse still, Norway rats and their feces can carry serious diseases. So, how do you identify, get rid of, and prevent a Norway rat infestation? That’s what we’re here to find out. What

How To Get Rid Of Book Lice 

Book lice certainly sound horrible, but the good news is that they are not true lice and they don’t suck blood, get into your hair, or cause any harm to people or pets. Unfortunately, an infestation of book lice is still nothing to ignore. These tiny pests can reproduce rapidly and cause serious damage to

10 Most Common Types Of Flies and How To Get Rid Of Them

No matter where you are in the United States, you know about and have experienced flies. These pests are annoying, unsanitary, and in some cases even dangerous. But did you know that the types of flies you may be dealing with can range from common house flies to flies the size of a felt-tip marker

Best Grub Killer For Yards and gardens

If you’ve noticed dead or dry patches in your lawn, you may be dealing with grubs. Grubs are a serious pest problem and can wreak havoc on your landscaping. There are a number of ways you can go about treating a grub problem, including finding the best grub killer. That said, chemical methods are not

How To Get Rid Of The Pill Bug 

Though they prefer to live outdoors, sometimes pill bugs will creep into our homes and invade our basements and crawl spaces. While they’re generally harmless, they can be unnerving to the unsuspecting homeowner. What’s worse, they can damage young plants outdoors in large numbers. So, how do you get rid of pill bugs and keep

How To Get Rid Of The Roof Rat 

Are you waking up to strange sounds in the middle of the night? Are your pets acting odd? Perhaps you’re finding strange droppings or gnaw marks beneath cabinets or along your wall sidings? If so, you might have roof rats. These rats, smaller than their Norway rat counterparts and much more adaptable, are some of

Best Flesh Fly Control Methods 

Most of us associate flies with unsanitary conditions, rotting garbage, decay and filth. This is especially true when it comes to the flesh fly. While flesh flies are not the most common fly known to infiltrate homes in large numbers, and rarely does one encounter a flesh fly infestation, these insects can be bothersome and

Best Millipedes Control – Products and Home Remedies That Work

Millipedes are certainly unnerving, especially when you come across one inside your home in the dead of night. Still, these interesting and beneficial arthropods do more good than harm, and are relatively easy to get rid of once you know how to manage and prevent them. So, if you’re dealing with millipedes or you just

Bugs That Look Like Bed Bugs – Bug Identification Guide

Most of us already know that in the United States, bed bug infestations are on the rise. So it’s no surprise that seeing any type of small, beetle-shaped insect creeping around your home is going to set off internal alarm bells. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to get rid of, with many people spending hundreds

Best Mouse Repellent For Homes

Mice and rodents are some of the most prevalent and annoying household pests in the United States. They infiltrate our homes through vulnerabilities in the perimeter of our houses, cracks and crevices along the siding, and even through tears in screens or gaps in doorways. Once mice are inside, it’s difficult to get rid of

The Best Tick Repellent For Yard

Summer may have come to a close but this is no time to let your guard down when it comes to ticks and other pests in your garden. While it is true that most tickborne illnesses are contracted and reported during the summer months, tick season can be all year round depending on where you

How To Get Rid Of Odorous House Ants

If you’ve spotted small black or brown ants roaming about inside or outside of your home, and especially if you’ve noticed a rotten, sweet smell that reminds you of coconut, then chances are you have a problem with odorous house ants. These pests are common in the United States and, though they’re not dangerous to

How To Find Bed Bugs During The Day

In the United States, bed bug infestations are on the rise.  If you think you may have come across a bed bug or have seen signs of a potential bed bug infestation, it’s important to start treatment right away in order to quell the problem before it becomes overwhelming. But since bed bugs are nocturnal

Best Pigeon Repellent

Pigeons are everywhere, and most people in the modern United States consider these birds to be highly annoying, dirty, and disease-ridden pests. The truth is, there is very little most of us understand about pigeons, leading to the poor bird’s bad rep. That said, while pigeons are very interesting and even considered one of the

Best Asian Beetle Trap

Often confused for ladybugs, the Asian beetle is an invasive species that can wreak havoc on gardens, infiltrate our homes, and lead to an increase in health issues like allergies and asthma. If you’ve identified an Asian beetle problem in your yard or inside your home, you’re not alone. These beautiful but destructive pests are

How To Get Rid Of The Scarab Beetle

Are you wondering how to get rid of the scarab beetle? If so, you’ve come to the right place. With a diverse diet, unique look, and variety of species, the scarab beetle is an intriguing insect to say the least. While many scarab beetles are highly beneficial to people and the environment, some species can

What Eats Mosquitoes? Best Mosquito Predators and How To Invite Them into Your Yard

Mosquitoes. They are one of the most annoying and potentially dangerous pests not only in the United States, but also in the world. These small, flying insects feast on human and animal blood, leaving behind swollen, red bumps that itch and sometimes even hurt. Throughout the years, experts have compiled products, recipes, and sprays for

How To Get Rid Of Black Widows

Common in most states, black widow spiders are perhaps the most dangerous of the three medically important spiders in the United States. Famous for their shiny black bodies and red hourglass shapes on their bellies, black widow spiders can deliver a serious bite that has been known to be deadly to both animals and humans.

How To Get Rid Of Flying Ants

Ants are a common pest in the United States, but flying ants can be even more alarming to those who don’t know much about them. If you have noticed flying ants around your home or property, don’t worry. These ants are less mysterious than they may seem. Still, you’re likely wondering how you wound up

How To Get Rid Of No See Ums

Smaller than mosquitoes but delivering a similar (or sometimes even worse) bite, no see ums are an obnoxious pest you’ve probably encountered more than once during the spring and summer months. For many of us living in the United States, no see ums have simply become a staple of the warmer seasons. Of course, that

How To Get Rid Of Phorid Flies

Are you dealing with phorid flies? These home-invading pests can be particularly nasty due to their unsanitary habits and the fact that they can reproduce so rapidly in and outside of homes. These flies are particularly problematic for hospitals and restaurants as they are attracted to open wounds, human food sources, and piping. Worse, they

How To Get Rid Of A Wood Roach Infestation

There is perhaps no other pest in the United States that causes as much panic and uproar as the cockroach. Even the name summons images of filth, decay and illness. With over 3,500 species of roaches throughout the world and nearly 55 species in the United States alone, it’s no wonder we are so fearful

How To Get Rid Of Wasps

It’s summer, which means butterflies, bees and wasps are out and about. Wasps can be scary, especially for those who know what it feels like to be stung by one. In fact, we don’t know many people who actually enjoy being around wasps. These frightful and stinging insects have a reputation for being aggressive, and

Best Spider Bomb 

Spiders are some of the most despised and feared pests in the United States. While they are not as disastrous as termites or as dangerous as bacteria-carrying roaches, spiders are still creepy. They can invade our homes regardless of the time of year. Worse yet, there are a few species of spiders that are venomous

How I Get Rid Of – The Pest Removal Authority

Welcome to How I Get Rid Of, the authority on pest removal. Our no-BS, highly practical guides are based on more than 20 years of on-the-ground pest extermination experience. Read on to learn how to get rid of bed bugs, ants, fleas, mosquitoes, lice and more. Top Posts Latest Updates Indoor Pests Ants Bed Bugs

How To Get Rid Of The German Cockroach

The German cockroach is one of the most commonly discussed pests in the United States for a number of reasons. They are widely dispersed throughout America, associated with unsanitary conditions, and prefer to live inside man-made structures like restaurants, homes, and buildings. Not only is the German cockroach unsanitary, but it can also spread illness

How To Get Rid Of Brown Recluse Infestations

Many people already have a very real fear of spiders but it’s the brown recluse spider who perhaps takes the cake when it comes to arachnophobia. These small, brown spiders commonly make their homes in our homes, living in clutter and warm, dry spaces. According to some sources, the brown recluse spider is responsible for

How To Kill Ants In Kitchen

How to get rid of ants in your kitchen? These small insects can cause big problems when they infest our homes and especially when they find their way into our kitchen. Most of us consider ants to be a nuisance just by the sheer volume of them, but when they get into our kitchen pantries

How To Get Rid Of The Luna Moth Caterpillar

The luna moth caterpillar may be large and fat, but that doesn’t mean this shy insect causes abundant damage to gardens and trees. In fact, the luna moth caterpillar is revered by many as a sign of good luck, especially after they go through their metamorphosis and become a beautiful luna moth. Still, if you’re

How To Get Rid Of Sand Fleas

Also known as beach fleas, beach hoppers, sand crabs, sea cicada, Emerita, or sand hoppers, sand fleas are known and despised by many beach goers as annoying, biting pests. Anyone who has vacationed to a tropical beach or lives near the ocean has probably encountered these pesky little critters, but most people still know very

How To Get Rid Of Cluster Flies

It’s smack in the middle of summer, so chances are you aren’t seeing too many cluster flies hanging around inside your home. However, as soon as the weather gets cool and the leaves begin to change, you may start to notice these annoying pests flying around and clustering near windows, in attics, or along doorways.

The Best Mosquito Head Net

The sun is out and so are mosquitoes! If you spend a great deal of your spring and summer season outdoors, then you already know mosquitoes are a major problem. Regardless of where you live in the United States, dealing with mosquitoes is not only annoying, but can also be dangerous. Mosquito bites leave behind

How To Get Rid Of Aphids

Whether you are an experienced gardener or you’re just getting started, you likely already know about aphids. These tiny insects reproduce rapidly and feed on all kinds of plantlife. They can wreak havoc to your garden and often require consistent control and monitoring to keep them from destroying garden plants altogether. Are you wondering how

How To Get Rid Of A Firebrat Infestation

Closely related to and often mistaken for silverfish, firebrat bugs are a common household pest in many American homes. That said, they are nothing to fear. Firebrats don’t carry any diseases and are harmless to people and pets. When they stay outside, they play an important role in our environment as natural decomposers. Still, firebrats

How To Get Rid Of Springtail Bugs

Springtail bugs are a common pest throughout the United States. Attracted to moisture, they often congregate outside in gardens, mulch, soil, garden sheds, and sometimes beneath dog houses. While they typically go unnoticed, springtail bugs can become problematic when they enter our homes, where they can multiply quickly and congregate in the thousands. Luckily, these

How To Get Rid of Clover Mites 

In spite of their charming name, clover mites are considered a nuisance pest throughout many American households. They infiltrate our properties in very large numbers, sometimes causing patchy lawns and other times raiding our homes to hide out in cracks and crevices. An individual clover mite may be as small as a pinhead, but an

How To Get Rid of Spider Mites 

Do you have spider mites? You may not be able to tell at first, considering these little pests are extremely small. Furthermore, the damage they cause to your garden or house plants can look similar to other types of damage like drought stress or fungus gnats. Still, if you pay attention and learn what to

Best Flea Spray For Home 

When it comes to managing and preventing fleas indoors, using the best flea spray for home that is safe for people and pets is a must. Since fleas can carry and transmit harmful diseases to both people and pets, it’s important to be proactive in preventing fleas from entering your home. But how do you

How To Get Rid Of Silverfish

Though they thrive in regions with higher humidity, Silverfish are a year-round pests common in many households throughout the United States. While silverfish pose no dangers to humans or pets and while they do not bite, they can still be destructive and annoying. These small insects, named for their silvery color and fish-like body shapes,

How To Get Rid Of The Carpet Beetle

Carpet beetles are a common household pest in many American homes. Though they are not poisonous or dangerous, and while they won’t typically cause too much damage unless an infestation gets out of control, the hard-to-detect carpet beetle can wreak serious havoc on fabrics like carpets, bedding, clothing, and more. Are you wondering if you’ve

Best Natural Rodent Control Methods That Work

Dealing with a rodent problem any time of year is not only stressful, but it can be expensive and lead to property damage, health concerns, and more. That said, sometimes trying to remedy a rodent problem inside your home can include the use of harsh chemicals, poisons, and traps that can be harmful to people

How To Get Rid of Sugar Ants 

Ants are some of the most common household pests in the United States. Although tiny, ant colonies can include millions of ants and they can infest our homes, yards, and even foods. Many people in the US deal with what they call “sugar ants”. These ants are often blamed for sneaking into your home, overrunning

How To Get Rid of Poisonous Scorpions 

Scorpions are certainly intimidating creatures. They have elongated bodies, two dangerous looking pinchers, and their curved tail totes a built in stinger that is filled with venom. Though most scorpions in the United States are not considered dangerous to humans, there are two species of poisonous scorpions you should know about. Of course, even if

How To Get Rid of Carpenter Ants 

We’re just past spring and entering summer, meaning it’s around this time when people start to notice carpenter ants appearing in and around their homes. If you’re wondering how to get rid of carpenter ants, don’t panic. These are serious pests that can cause extensive damage if left unchecked, but they are not as destructive

How To Get Rid of The Banana Spider 

Banana spiders are highly beneficial arachnids who can help our yards and gardens thrive. Better yet, they can assist us with keeping a number of annoying pests away during the spring and summer. Though banana spiders in the United States are not considered dangerous to people or pets, they can still be quite unnerving to

How To Get Rid of Ground Bees 

For the most part, bees are seen as beneficial insects worth protecting. They contribute greatly to our environment as natural pollinators and can help gardens and landscapes thrive. Ground bees in particular have been found to be a fabulous addition to any lawn or garden. These insects are solitary and docile in nature, and the

Best Dust Mite Covers

Dust mites are a common household problem in the United States and all over the world. These microscopic insects feed on dead skin, making them highly attracted to our homes and especially places where skin cells are most prevalent like bedding, furniture, and carpeting. While it’s nearly impossible to get rid of dust mites altogether,

Best Ant Traps For Inside Homes

Are you dealing with ants roaming in and out of your home? An ant infestation can seem to come out of nowhere, with ants being most prevalent in homes during twilight when most of us are sleeping. Some people find ants to be a seasonal problem. However, depending on your region and where you live,